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Could I have Agoraphobia??

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I know this is going to sound odd....but I really think I have Agoraphobia.


I am in a VERY social field...and I am fine when I'm there...but I hardly ever go out...even though I have every opportunity to. The thought overwhelms me sometimes. I HATE planning anything....seriously. I am afraid I might not want to go...so I absolutely avoid it. I thought I was just a homebody....but when I think about going out with people...I constantly think of reasons NOT to....and I end up staying home because truthfully it's my comfort zone.


I was reading another thread on this subject and it suddenly made sense.

I have gradually become more of a recluse.....but it's gotten to the point where I thought I was just nuts. Don;t get me wrong. I go out...but it is SUCH an effort to do it. I don't know what else it could be??


Is Agoraphobia something you are born with and it gets worse? Or can it be develpoed over time?? I really want to know..because I want to get over whatever it is......


Thanks guys!!!

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I get anxiety about being away from home for extended periods. I won't plan

a vacation for longer than three days at a time....but I do get out of the house because I have a life to lead. Certain situations cause me to over react unneccessarily..like having to spend time in a certain social setting.

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Not that I am an expert, but I think you have more of a social anxiety versus agoraphobia. Go see a doctor about it and see what they say. I used to be a very social person, but now I spend more and more time at home. I just think I am in a different time in my life, and I would rather spend time by myself than with others.

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Thanks Bigheart. I thought of that too....I will look into it....I really hate this feeling


I know it sucks! I started seeing someone professionally in September, once or twice a week. It has really helped me figure out a lot of things. When I stopped going to her, I missed it. I think it will make you feel better to talk to someone who is objective.

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Hey, I too am self employed and work a lot in a field that's very social. When my time to relax comes I don't hang out with my friends or go to events as of late. Why? I want to be lazy, veg out and recoup from a stess filled week. Heck, even the guys from church remind me of my accountabilty to God sponsored events, but I want to unwind and relax so I can prepare for the next week of battle in my field.

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