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Women asking who my perfect woman would be


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If a girl asks you who your ideal woman would be, does it mean anything?


From a male point of view, I can't imagine asking that question unless I was interested, and even then I still can't work out in my head why I would ask it...


So yeah. The girl I'm interested in asked me who my perfect woman would be. Could this mean anything?

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Ohh wow, I had a friend ask me that question. I was drunk and I gave her an honest answer "smart, funny, beautiful, motivated, and established in a career" she says "what's wrong with me?" and I say "you don't have a job" she said "I'm in grad school and I'll have a great job in may" I told her "talk to me in may". She got upset but before that, I never thought of her in that way and I thought of her as more like a sister than a friend. I thought we were joking when we had this conversation. So then later on, we were drunk again and she asks me about dating, I told her i'd be willing to give it a try and she told me that she won't be ready until may. Then, three months go by with almost zero contact. She calls me up the night before her graduation and tells me she wants me to be there and that I'm the only friend she invited. So I go and the whole time she barely talk to me, I end up meeting her little sister in the sorority that night and we've been together ever since, I'll be proposing soon... How crazy is that for a story about the topic at hand?

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Wow, I was completely expecting replies of "it doesn't mean ANYTHING".


There are some signs she's interested too, so I guess this can go on that list. I definitely should've replied with, "someone like you". Moments like that go completely over my head.


Anyone else have opinions?

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If there are signs that she's interested and wants to see how she measures up -- in other words, not just asking out of curiosity -- then the only way you should say "someone like you" is if you already know her quite well...or if you honestly truly mean it. If you blurt it out just because it's a flattering thing to say, you run the risk of getting that "wow, you're so cliche, you don't even know me" sort of look from her.

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No risk of me blurting it out or not knowing her, I've known her for ten years.


Later on in the day I managed to think of someone that makes my jaw drop (haha I couldn't think of anyone at first!) and (luckily?) the person I mentioned has more than a few similarities with the girl I like.


They're also a film star and dead, so there's no risk of jealousy there! I'm not that stupid

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  • 2 weeks later...
If a girl asks you who your ideal woman would be, does it mean anything?


From a male point of view, I can't imagine asking that question unless I was interested, and even then I still can't work out in my head why I would ask it...


So yeah. The girl I'm interested in asked me who my perfect woman would be. Could this mean anything?


It's a very straight forward 'hint' that: 1) She likes you and wants you to say "You are!", 2) She is wondering if she's your type; or 3) She is asking for someone else who is interested in you.


I'd be straight forward with her, personally. I'd say in return "Why do you ask? And please, save me the 'Oh, no reason... just wondering' jive! Thanks!" Then I'd smile and wink at her.

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  • 2 months later...

WHEN my ex asked me this be4 we got together i said


nice personality

big booty

nice shaply breast not to big......

nice finger nails (most important to me looks wise, a set of nice nails can make a 0/10 girl jump up to a 6/10)


self confident


among other stuff...she had half of this cz she was mixed....never thought i woulda dated a mixed chick but hey....im Jay Houston as long as she got those qualities shes good

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