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I want to get into a workout routine

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For about the past month I've been using this bowflex like machine I have in my basement. I only do it for about 20 minutes or so everyday. Well, I want to take it to the next level. I'm not really sure what kind of a routine I should get myself into. I also have a treadmill which I want to start using as well.


Any good routines you guys think I could get into? Like doing different workout routines with the machine for a certain number of minutes? Once I start something, I will be determined to do it daily. I'm actually kind of skinny, but not in shape. I just want to get back to being physically fit like I was back in high school and gain some muscle mass.

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Add to your rutine an early morning 15-20 minute walk/jog on the treadmill.

We had an olympic athlete come to our school who taught us about ways to lose fat and gain muscle, she spoke of how jogging and walking (fastish) was more effective than full out running.

Also the walking/jogging in the morning will wake you up more and keep you more alert during the day.

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