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ex is caused me to have a panic attack! Please help!

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Omg, Im shaking guys! I just did something I never thought I could!! Im so nervous that I just threw up!!! Oh God!


My friend has been 'bad' for the relationship I had with my ex bf, she thought he was a dirty sleaze and went out to prove a point. My ex found out and got angry at her. We still dated but I broke up with him later on for being trying to force me into doing sexual things like going down on him etc. We got back together after we dated other people then broke up again.


I find him to be controlling and dominating, he always wants to be right and wants me to be wrong, he used to put me down and he never told anyone that we were dating, meanwhile I found him on internet dating sites.


I dont know if these sites were used when we were together, but I do know that he liked me to dress a certain way, he also liked my hair long and hated when I tanned too much (he didnt like it when I went darker)


Anyway, tonight we had an argument on the internet, he said I didnt trust him and I told him that I dont trust anyone anymore, he got offened saying I really hurt him etc and he said I dont know what he has been through and he has alot to offer me. He then said bye... so I said bye and signed off. He pranked me 10mins later... should I call back?? If he really wanted to talk to me and cared he would call me and not prank me so I can call him back right??


This situation is making me sick to my stomach... any advice???


Thank you in advance.


LOL Sorry about the typo in the tittle... I was shaking while I wrote this!!... there isnt meant to be a 'is' in there

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it sounds like this is a very high drama (not good) relationship... him trying to force you into things you don't want, then jerking you around...


sometimes friends do see that more than we can ourselves, because we are infatuated... if your friend really thinks he's a sleaze, and she is good friend, then maybe you should listen...


a good relationship should make us feel happy and stronger, not sick to our stomach and filled with worry...


so i think maybe you should respect yourself, and find someone who treats you better than this....

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