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How many of heard this?

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So after a talk and her 5 day personal best course..it went like this.


She told me she does not think I am the one for her and that there is someone better out there that is more suited for both of us. This chapter of us is closed. she said she does love me and will always and she does have a deep connection with me that we will always share. We were just not working and after this course and discovering who she is, she does not think I am the one or that she is the one for me.


She said she is open to dating new people and exploring her life.


She says that there is always a possiblity of us one day but her mindset right now is unable to look at it. There is always hope she said and who knows we may find eachother again down the road?


I am assuming we are over? With NO chance.



I do really want to be her friend because we have been VERY amicable and she is very important to me.....I cant see that changing.


She said the same and that she wants me to be a part of her life always.




Is there really hope?


Or do I just accept my loss......

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Do yourself and walk away. Being friends will be complete torture. You say still want her in your life, but lets get real. The minute you find out she is dating someone else, you will get real jealous, and hurt. Its not worth it. You are settling for crumbs.


If find it funny, she said she maybe down the road something could happen between you guys again. That is her way of planting a false seed of hope in your head, so you don't let go. Its like you are a fallback option. Don't settle for that.


Dude I and many others have been in your situation. Trust me, being friends will not help you. In fact it will set you back. You are going to hang around her, and you are going to pant over you, and she will even dangle the carrot at times. Its human nature, and you will think, "hey maybe she is reconsidering", "maybe she is having feelings again". Then you find out the next day she is dating someone new, and you will be a distant memory. Please dude, don't be friends. Move on, go strict NC. It will hurt, but it will be the best thing for your healing. If anything, it will make your more attractive to her, but don't do it for her. Do it for you.


Good luck.

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