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Do most women like this...?


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Do most women like it when a guy rubs them hard (like their back, shoulders, etc.) while you two are making out? I was making out with a girl one time and I was gently rubbing her body while doing so. She then told me to rub harder as it makes her feel sexy. I was wondering if most women like this or is just a preference for some women?

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The answer to ANY question like this is....some women do, some don't.


You have to go by the indications or requests SHE makes.


Personally I like a variety of touches, depending on the mood/atmosphere and so on. Sometimes it feels nice to be gentle and teased, other times it feels great to be shown you are really wanted then and there...

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Interesting topic. I think rubbing someone's back is an affection thing, not a sex or making out thing. Though the two can be combined nicely though into one cohesive affection and sexual experience.


Some of my platonic women friends love it when I give them a backrub, but it's just affection and nothing to do with sex. Other women friends have a no touching relationship with me.


Anyhow, the ones who do like backrubs like a firm enough, deep enough one so that they can feel it in muscles and joints, not just on surface off skin. However, these are "shirt on" backrubs, so doing like a light feather duster wouldn't be noticed much anyway. Maybe that's why they like it firmer and with more force. I only gradually increase the level of pressure and ask how they like it at each stage so I don't hurt them.


Now I did do this with a GF while making out with her, but I confess that I soon abandoned massaging her back in favor of massaging her butt since she also liked that as much and it was a lot more fun for me. I did that with the same level of pressure as my typical backrub - medium pressure or slightly more. A good time for all.


I also had another GF who I gave a lot of backrubs too and she loved them. Also, medium to slightly more pressure. In her case, she got a lot of backrubs because I never got sexually intimate with her. i.e. - I never got past the affection (back rubs, cuddling) phase with her. We still had lots of affectionate fun though, and extra affection.


However, it all depends on the woman and her preferences. The above are just my experiences, which admittedly are limited in number.


I can give a woman a backrub good enough to make her eyes lose focus, maybe even roll back. Although a backrub is affection to me, and not a sexual thing, it must be one of the best seduction techniques ever for easing a person into liking to be touched and being comfortable. My first GF did this with me. I've been hooked on backrubs ever since. Giving is just as good as receiving. Taking turns is heaven.

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Do most women like it when a guy rubs them hard (like their back, shoulders, etc.) while you two are making out? I was making out with a girl one time and I was gently rubbing her body while doing so. She then told me to rub harder as it makes her feel sexy. I was wondering if most women like this or is just a preference for some women?

A woman wants to be rubbed, not so much "hard" per se, (though that can feel nice too) as much as in earnest.

During these intimate moments, she wants to *feel* how much you *need* her.

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