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problems..very depressing

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Times can change, what you need to avoid is interference. For some sort of universal curse or something, the moment you have exams just everything seems to want to bother you. So you have to stay low profile, do as i say and goto the library every day. Focus everything on your exam and just let your parents, and that guy go. Its an important life lesson to understand that you only have control over yourself. You might be able to steer others a bit into the right direction, but now is not the time. Besides if you do it all at once it will become an unbearable burden. So take my advice, stay out of your home as much as possible chase everything away that can interfere with your study, and get angry and shoo away at everyone and every thing that wants to prevent you from studying,including yourself. Once you have your exams done and graduated, you can focus your energy on restoring the ruins. You might want to move out and start leading your own life. Respect everyone's free will , and you just go your own way.

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To be honest with you I was in a similar place that you were in a few months ago. Not wanting to study, everyone expectiong me to suceed, my frined got back with her boyfriend and strated ignoring me....just very frustrating. Th eonly way I got out of it was just sticking to myself and just thinking what would make me happy. What can i do now that will change ? I ignored my friend for a good 2-3 weeks did not respond to her calls or anything. I know I hurt her when I did but it didn't bother me. The only resaon things got good again between us was because she invited me to go out with her and friends, which is what I did. got drunk and strated crying on each othr and everythng came oout about what i was feeling. i don't know if that will happen with you and your friedn but I say just ignore her for a while because if she is not calling you or just calls you once in a while then its not worth it. And maybe she just doesn't appreciate your friendship.


Concentrate on youself, foegt what other ppl say or think . As robo warrior said lay-low. I know its hard. It feels like theres nothing pushing you to want to do good. BUt trust me in the end you will feel better.


Plus with your ex..did he brake up with you?


I hope you find what makes you happy and start to concentrate on yourself...don't be shy to reply or anything

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i know how you feel. Parents going through divorces is so rough! My parents have been going through a very slow separation for over 4 yrs and it drives you so crazy. BUt i left everything bother me when i was in school and i didn't do so well on some exams the first few years. Looking back on it all now, I really wish I didnt let everything bother me and i just focused on myself. I agree with robowarrior- u should just go to the library everyday and avoid the issues at hand right now. Things will still be around when the tests are over but focusing on school is so important right now. Maybe at the moment it doesnt seem to be significant to you at all but trust me, u'll wish u had years down the line. Do what is best for you.

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