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I don't want to say good-buy

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January is almost over, meaning that I have only about three and a half months left in high school. Three and a half months left until the lives of Terra and mine are forever split apart, both of us forging our own separate paths into the future, both of our paths to never cross again. In less than three and a half months, I will be hugging my increasingly friendlier acquaintance good-buy, bathing in her spunky, flirty, friendly warmth for the last time in my life. Then, she will be gone, taking with her the color in my world and leaving me with a gray, murky hue of hollowness and loss.


She means so much to me, held in my heart not as a crush as she formally had been, but held in my heart as a friend. She makes me feel happy, young, and alive; she casts a radiant glow upon my mediocre life.


I don’t ever want to say good-buy to her. Just the very thought, which has been replaying countless times in my head as of late, shoots sharp pangs of anguish into my heart.


And so I ask you what I should do to avoid this staggering emotional blow. Should I confess that she is my friend, and explain that I would like to keep in contact with her? And if so, how might I do it in a cool, casual fashion, as opposed to an emotional, over-dramatic approach?


Thanks for hearing me out.

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You really have a way with words. I hear what you're saying but you've got to realise that you still have a life even if this girl leaves.


The point is none of it matters. It doesn't make a difference whether you stay friends with this girl or not. The more you dramatize the situation, as you have done in this post, the more unhappiness you will create thinking and acting it out.


If you like the girl, just casually ask her for her e-mail address. You don't have to mention that you want to keep in touch or "confess" to her that she's your friend. That's a given.


And you don't have to wait until the last minute to tell her that you love her (if at all). Don't worry about it. She'll move on and so will you. In a couple of years, maybe months or whatever, you might ask her to meet up with you at some point.


Even if you never hear from her again, it's your choice if you want to torment yourself with this self depression ****.

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