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why girls like to dump you?

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I agree it's stereotyping...but I have to admit when I break up with someone, it's usually around the holidays (mainly Christmas.) It just happens around that time. I think it's more that I'll have a break from school during the holidays and (as bad as it may sound) I'll actually have the time to break up with someone.

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While I dont think it applies to everyone- I have found that break-ups occur around Xmas. Thats not to say that I "like" to break up with people then, its just the way it seems to happen. I have pondered this and heres why I think it happens (with me)


1. Around xmas I feel a bit stressed with all of the shopping, spending, ect. This can lead to more arguing.

2. There are many family get togethers on both sides. If things arent going real well, you start to wonder if you should involve your SO in family matters. So you might over analyze the relationship.

3. You might have more time off, which leads to more time together- and in many cases, you then discover that you arent so compatible.

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interesting post (i agree it is stereotypical) but it brings up another interesting topic that a lot of break ups do happen around the holidays.


my ex dumped me the day before new year's eve (i guess that makes it the eve of new year's eve).


not sure why this seems to be a common occurrence.

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It's better to get dumped before x mas than after. At least you don't get mad about blowing wads of cash on gifts for them. It's all in how you look at it.


so true.


what made me angry for a while is that i am sure my ex knew, or wanted, to break up with me before xmas. yet we exchanged gifts and my mom and step dad even spent $200 on her. i had brought these gifts for her back from visiting my family. i then went to her work on 12/29 and gave her all the gifts. we said i love you and i miss you, then she came over the next day and dumped me!! and she kept those gifts!!


i'll never know why she accepted those gifts the DAY before she broke up with me.


if the roles were reversed, i would have accpeted those gifts, but i would have given them back the next day when i was breaking up. i would feel guilty to keep them. i dunno, maybe i in the minority on this.

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to jason1080

i have same story,dump me before x-mas,just cut like with knife,did not say why,sayd you know. i think she was stressd with online school and exam and her mom.i did everything to help her in my heart.it is have been now 2 month and i miss her so much,hang on ,be strong

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My three year relationship ended the day after my Birthday, which was one week before Christmas. It certainly made for a rough Holiday Season, however, there are plenty more to enjoy for the rest of your life. I still love her and we still talk, she kept the gifts that I bought for her.


At first I blamed her for doing this at such a "convenient" time (total sarcasm). However, it does seem as though that time of year is fairly common for breakups.

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