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Are dreams always far away?

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Is it pathetic to always dream a different life for yourself? To always imagine you in another place, another situation, maybe with a family of your own. Even when things aren't currently so bad for a moment...I still imagine it. Does that make me an ungrateful person? I feel that no matter what changes anymore, I'll still be that same quiet pondering-on-the-dark-times kinda guy...

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Sometimes you have to say to yourself ' im satisfied with what i got '


And that's the whole thing, instead of constantly looking at the things you don't have in life, start looking at the things you DO have in life. That way you can be more appreciative of the things that you do have.


Walking to the kitchen is for us an ordinairy event, but it would be a fricken miracle for a handicapped person, that shows us that we often don't appreciate the miracles what we have until we lose them.


Basically i say this to myself ' im happy with what i have, but i strive to be the best person i can possibly be in life' , that way you can be satisfied and still improve yourself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good cancels out the bad. Or sometimes a bad situation brings out the goodness in people. You have to see how right now you can use the darkness around you to shine your own light (as my siggy says!). That means: record the transformations you've gone through, the lessons you've learned and the goals yet to achieve> know yourself so you know what to DO with yourself and to understand what hasn't worked before (and why). Turn your fantasies into goals- that's why we have them. The universe gives us desires as a way to guide us. The trouble with humans though is a lot of fear holds us back...from meaningful friendships, open love and kindness and creating from your talents with no regrets/no holding back. There are good desires and potentially harmful desires. The path you choose is your decision, but once you chose, you must not doubt that you can get there. The process of transformation and growth pulls a lot out of person and that's what you're going through now. You're at a crossroad right now of choices. Light or dark. Good or bad. No matter what happens to you in your life, which will you be?


You're not alone. There are doors all around you to walk through and that includes to the hearts of the people you know...to some of the people here. And you always have me to talk to. Anytime. Always. About anything. Never hesitate. You are loved, my friend.


To dream a different life for yourself is to desire a different life for yourself. The universe wants you to travel that higher road, trust me, to your dreams. But, know this- nothing happens in life ever the way you expect it to. Your life may never be everything you dream it to be because of obstacles or downfalls along the way. These obstacles are tests- they test how much you really want something. You do have to prove that to the universe! The downfalls happen to send to the human soul deeper lessons, which give deeper meaning to a life than pure success in all areas would. The whole point of life is to leave having loved and lost, wept and laughed and to have experienced it all. That is why dreams don't come true so easily- because it is the hardships of the journey which mold us into all that we are. It is the journey that helps us to reach our potential, not just the destination itself.


You are a child of the universe! You'll be alright if you let the warmth of that knowledge hug you in hard times- if you know there is a pattern, a purpose, and a plot to everything- if you choose to reach your potential (rather than conform along with everyone else). Choose the path of you. It's time.

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Is it pathetic to always dream a different life for yourself? To always imagine you in another place, another situation, maybe with a family of your own. Even when things aren't currently so bad for a moment...I still imagine it. Does that make me an ungrateful person? I feel that no matter what changes anymore, I'll still be that same quiet pondering-on-the-dark-times kinda guy...


i always have and think i will. in high school, i didn't have any friends, didn't talk to anyone; thought college would change that. i go to college and i continue to feel isolated and at times desparate of a job and career. now i'm out of college in a nice paying job, i'm still unhappy because of my social situation. i'm in a new town, haven't made any friends, thinking my life would be better if i moved to this city or that city, where people seem to be more accepting...


i walked the mall by myself today, had a moment of sadness wondering is this all there is to my life?? is the american dream just a pursuit of shiny shoes and nice shirts so some girl would notice me...

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Siraf - It's true you will always be you. It took me hitting rock bottem in every sense of the word to realize a lot of things I wish I would have realized a year ago. Like I didn't appreciate a lot of things I had, still don't sadly. My mom says I didn't hit rock bottem and I don't know what it is so as you can it's a matter of perspective.

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