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Games are quick fixes and clearly you are not focusing at all on the reasons why she left you, but only on a method in tricking her to come back to you.


If she has made up her mind and you have given her NO space, making her jealous will do nothing. It will not work in your favor. If she first sees you moving on and sees that you are happy with your life (without her in it), THEN and only THEN can you attempt to let her know you are dating and if you guys are in contact and she is comfortable with that and if she still has any feelings for you, this will bother her and MAY prompt her into chasing YOU, but time first has to elapse (space) for that to ever be successful.

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If you get the person back based on jelousy that is short-term.

You didn't get them because of mutual love, but because they're jelous, so their interest into you will soon fade away again.


But you can make a person jelous (but you have to be a master in lying and pretending and not use other girls to achieve that aim), than based on that person might want to grab a coffie with you, kiss you....., but you turn her down.

That actually feels good. Oh, my God.....I didn't say that....but I just can't force myself to delete this last paragraph....I am such a B....

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This is a horrible idea - I know, because I've done it a few times. I would get my ex's attention, sure, but I caused unnecessary pain on top of the pain both of us were already feeling. Doing this will almost always push your ex even farther away.


Furthermore, how were you planning on making your ex jealous? If you want to get involved with another person solely to show him/her off to your ex, you need to realize that you are using that new person in the worst way possible.

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Also how do you know that your ex won't take that as a sign that you moved on and now she should do the same? I'm pretty sure if she cares for you all she would want if for you to be happy and if she thinks you are happy with this new person, i doubt she would try breaking you up or even come out and tell you how she feels about you two.

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Because sometimes having the ex see someone else reaping the benefits of the lessons you learned with her, IS a wake up call for the ex and it may at that point start REALLY regretting having left you, but I don't FULLY agree in this method.


Being an object of desire is fine. It's attractive and shows confidence, but trying to hurt your ex intentionally by having them see you with someone else is a bit juvenile. There are other ways.

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