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Big Problem Please Read Need Your Advice


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I have known this girl for a couple years now and we are good friends. I have recently realized that I have a huge crush on this girl. I cannot think of anything else. Her and I are really good friends and I do not think she thinks of me like I do of her but she does joke about how we hang out so much its is like boyfriend and girlfriend but I do not know how to tell her my true feelings without ruining the relationship or putting the relationship into jeopardy. I need your help and advice. I have never had a crush like this before and I don’t know what to do. I am 21 years old this week and I need your help. another note we have a ton in common weather it be sports or school we have the same major i would do and or try anything please give me some advice to get out of the friend zone and try and make her see that i like her wthout jepordizing the friendship thank you

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