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Legal question

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I don't think you are weak at all. You sound like someone who just wants the pain to go away and you haven't found any other option. There's nothing wrong with wanting peace and to feel safe.


I've been where you are. Where death looked like a really good alternative. The pain was so great inside that I'd have done anything to make it go away. Luckily my friends wouldn't let me give up and they got me some help. And eventually I was able to get past the pain and find that inner peace that so eluded me.


Take a look at this site: link removed


That place spoke volumes to me when I felt like this. They really seemed to get it and they knew why I felt the way I felt.


You are a good soul and the world would suffer a great loss if you were to leave now. Give us a chance to show you there are alternatives to ease your suffering.

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TO answer the first question, in almost every Western country the answer is yes. If the police reasonably belief that someone's life is in danger, they may enter into a property. The right to life exceeds the right to privacy of property.


My friend learnt that the hard way. One day he and his buddies got a microphone and speaker system set up in his house, and they started screaming into the microphone. Neighbours thought heard the sound and thought that it was the sound of a woman screaming for her life, and called the police. The police arrived, and forced themselves into the house, searching the house without a warrant. In cases like that, the police do have the right to enter.


The second question is more difficult. It depends on the circumstances. But in some cases, yes.



Hypothetical question.


Say you had taken a large quantity of pills/done something to yourself and locked all your doors/windows ect. and someone somehow found out what you had done/become concerned u might have done something and called the police/ambulance/whatever.


Are they legally allowed to break in to your house? Are they allowed to remove you from your house even if you say no?

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Jaffa ..you need to find an adult in your area that will take you seriously about the violent abuse that your father puts you through. I know that they didn't listen to you before and sent you back....only to go through even more abuse.


Can you write a note to give to the ppl you say visit your home once in a while...and slip it to them without getting caught? Can you call them from school? Of course you can't say anything in front of your parents....


You don't want to die...You want to LIVE. In your short 17 years...you've never known what it's like to -live-.You want to be loved and cared for. Your being treated worse then most animals are.


Before you kill your self..consider running away first. Thats better then death. I wish I knew someone in your area to make certain you are removed and NEVER sent back to your father....I cant imagine how if feels to live in terror every single moment of your life.


Is there any chance you can stand up to your father when he comes to your room drunk?

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When you are in less despair, it's time to try to deal with your troubles.

When it hurts really bad, you can't cope. Please pay attention to your moods and consider making progress when you aren't in pain.


Nobody deserves your kind of pain, and fear can keep you from changing your life. Please take it easy on the drugs and booze. They can amplify the moods.

I should know.

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