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I'm short, how do I build up my confidence?

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Because being 5'2 and the same height as some children, when I'm 19 and they're maybe 12, really brings me down. It brings me down when I see these tall guys running the track, towering over girls, and I'm the same height as the girls. It sucks when I'm standing next to these tall guys too. I may not act like it bothers me or makes me insecure because I hide it with humor, but sometimes it gets me, especially when friends and people call me nicknames like shotty, little "namehere", shorty, and kiddo.


It brings me down when this 5'7 girl seems like she's into me, but won't go out with me for some reason. Its even more suck when some girls ask me how tall am I and hows it like being short or if I liked being short. What the heck kind of question is that? Its making me not want to put any effort in meeting girls anymore. Clubbing is a big chore because I'm out trying to find girls my height to dance with.


Everythings big in Texas except for me.

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I think a lot of people are going to lead this topic into "find what's comfortable to you".


But you know what, that sounds all nice, but really being short does suck. I'm not as short as you (I'm 5'6'') but i generally have the same issues. I've built confidence in the work I do. I'm an artist and I try my best to succeed in that.


Shortness with girls is a HUGE problem for me. I, like you, hide in the humor. Girls don't go for me, when my 6'0 buddy is towering next to me. Nothing i can do but laugh. Best thing to do when you go to parties, is talk to the girl that no one is talking to.... or that is not having a good night. Be kind and comfort them. You will gain respect from her and her friends. Keep making links and ties...


Sheesh, I feel like so much of my confidence is built around the art that i do... you need a hobby that impresses yourself. Where you go "wow I did that". I don't know what hobbies that would be other than drawing, film, photography. Those are the 3 that really put me in a high.

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Tom Cruse once at work his 5, 2 and the highest payed acter in the world, Naoleon was 5 ft 2 and well you know what he did.


I had a mate call Guy who was 5,0 and he made TV shows I got to tell you if he was in a room every one knew it he was such a big

character and grate to work with, you stick to Humor and the girls will you ya, as a mate I would much rather have happy funny smart guy

then a jok any day.


Best thing to do is dont worry and get smart later in life it all become flab but whats in ya head



so whats ya problem

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I'm not going to lie to you. There is a large portion of women who would have an issue with your height. But there is also a significant portion of women who wouldn't.


Interestingly, the former group can often change their minds and join the second group.


I can personally attest to this. I reluctantly went out on a date with a very short guy who had been pursuing me for some time. After a couple of dates, I actually became quite attracted to him and was seriously considering the idea of establishing something more exclusive.


Then he dumped me to get back with his 4"9 girlfriend.


Go figure.

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When I was in highschool I was always called little because I was the "runt" so to speak in my family. My older bro was 6'8" and my little bro 6'4". I know that 5'11" doesn't sound that short but when you're shorter then your entire family it really makes you feel down.


I can't offer you much advice and I can't even say I know what you're feeling but I think I can understand. It's hard to be tough when you feel that someone's judged you before they've even met you. The problem is most people do judge people based on appearance or rumor. If you take that to heart then you'll never make it through school.


What you need to do is just forget about what other people think. If you let it bother you it'll consume you.


That's all I got. I hope this helps.

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What you need to do is just forget about what other people think.


You know something? This sounds deceptively simple, but it really is the magic key to any situation we feel insecure about.


The fastest way to change a situation is to change our perspective on it. I'm telling you, once you get to the point (and YOU WILL!) where you realize, "Ah the hell with it. Nothing I can do to change my height, so I'm just gonna enjoy livin'..." that is when you'll find things radically changing for you.


You have to really get to that point, though. And it may take some time, but you will. You'll have no choice, just like those of us who have any kind of physical or mental feature that we view as a setback. Humans have a remarkable capacity for soldiering on! To use an incredibly extreme example, look at folks who are deaf or blind. They don't just go up in a puff of smoke! They find partners, they continue to contribute to society...in some ways, they eventually lead a more meaningful life than most, just because they put the extra effort in.

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How about this... What's one physical feature besides being tall and good looking that guys strive for? Muscles! Since you can never be tall, and I'm not gay so I won't comment on your looks, get some decent guns. Start lifting high weight low reps and get big. That won't fix your height problem, but it will give you something to bring to the table. After thta just find a chick who is 5'1'' or shorter.


Short guys can be successfull too. Such as Gary Coleman. He's a millionaire. And Napolean. Just don't invade Russia.

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Be real.

I know that sounds so bland, but do whatever you do well, and people will respect you. Women like a guy that's interesting and caring.


Someone is bound to say act self-assured, wear heels and lift weights, but honestly, the strutting short guy with cartoon biceps has become a stereotype that draws snickers everywhere. I wish I had a dime for every short guy that amped up the tough act around me because I'm tall, only to find I'm a wuss and don't care. One short guy I know has been a close friend for over 30 years, and women admire his intelligent wit. Hell, so do I.


I've had many short friends who had good relationships because they weren't trying to compensate for being short. Compensation assumes you have a defect. You really don't.

That's their problem.


Sorry if this offends any short guys out there.

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So pack on muscles and wit! Twice as nice. You don't have to look like Popeye (post spinach). You don't have to do it to look tough or to get more girls, do it for yourself. You don't need to do research to know that you live longer and are happier if you exercise frequently.

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Follow Me, I agree with some of your advice, and certainly the meaning behind it, to develop more confidence. But if you don't mind my saying so, muscles aren't necessarily something all women are attracted to. Personally, I'm not into the bulked up look at all. It doesn't look graceful to me.


I've known several guys who were short and SKINNY, no other way to put it. But they got gals! Give me charisma, wit, and a good soul, and I'm hooked. Looks are fleeting, anyway. Best not to focus too much on them.

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Be real.

I know that sounds so bland, but do whatever you do well, and people will respect you. Women like a guy that's interesting and caring.


Someone is bound to say act self-assured, wear heels and lift weights, but honestly, the strutting short guy with cartoon biceps has become a stereotype that draws snickers everywhere. I wish I had a dime for every short guy that amped up the tough act around me because I'm tall, only to find I'm a wuss and don't care. One short guy I know has been a close friend for over 30 years, and women admire his intelligent wit. Hell, so do I.


I've had many short friends who had good relationships because they weren't trying to compensate for being short. Compensation assumes you have a defect. You really don't.

That's their problem.


Sorry if this offends any short guys out there.


I'm short as well, and I never understood why other short guys really bulk up and try to compensate. Though it may be only that they enjoy the exercise, I think it makes them look even shorter. I used to blame my height/looks for my lack of girls but I realized it is just my confidence. (though now i have that to work on that!) I believe that going through that turmoil has helped me grow as a person (no pun intended) that I can be more in control of my life than I thought. You should just realize that confidence has nothing to do with your looks. That is kind of assuming that people who are physically attractive or "average" have confidence because of that fact; which is hardly true. I'm willing to bet most girls/guys have had some confidence issues at some time or still do. unfortunately confidence isn't something you can just wake up with, it has to accumulate slowly and surely. If you try to make it happen too fast you may just come off as cocky, which most girls hate. Trust me man, I totally know what you're going through, you're not alone.

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I'm going to just emphasize how much I hate it when little children younger than me who aren't even in high school yet, are just as tall as me or taller than me. Its even worse when I see someone the same age as me or older, my height, the thoughts flowing through my head express discrimination against their height, so thats what I look like to others, silly. Just the insecurity it brings you is just as bad, being that it is a psychological battle inside. Do you ever feel that when people are laughing, they are laughing at you? It was worse for me back in high school, even now, it still creeps up on me, and I fear its getting worse with the notion of girls talking behind my back. From what I've learned and experienced girls do talk and share information about men and their daily affairs with men. The curiosity of what they may be saying about me or if they're saying anything about me at all looms over me. Its hard not caring with indifference anymore when you've reached a low point in life where you are alone psychologically, but when with close friends you care about nothing because of the bond you share with them and the companionship and satisfaction of knowing you share common interests. Success is hard to come by when height dampers your motivation to be successful. Why should I even apply for that or this job when everyone that works there is nice and tall? Why should I ask such and such girl out when she is much taller than me? The motive to even put forth the effort and try to attain success dwindles, but what exactly is success? Is it material and sexual? Or can it be within the self? The least and most horrible circumstance would be for me to die with obesity at youth, but why would I want to live longer with my height in the first place if I hate it so? I want to live long and forever for a chance to have success. Success does make the man, and I have a no motivation other than selfish and survival motive.

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