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I am very confused about whether the size of my bump is normal. I am 24 weeks on friday and around my bump is 35 inches / 90 cms. My midwife has said it is a bit small but then some of my work colleagues who have had babies before say that i am quite big.

I haven't put weight anywhere else really apart from a bit on my hips. And I am 54 Kg whereas before i was 51/52 Kg.

My height is 163 cm ( 5''3 )


Does anyone else have worries like this?

And has anyone got any recommended forms of exercise that i could try?

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Don't worry about it. Everyone is different.


I measured so big that my midwife thought I must be having twins or have my dates wrong. But I didn't even start showing until around 22 weeks. And now, at 30 weeks, people think I'm only around 5 months.


When your midwife measures, she is looking at how high the bump is, because it moves up over the pregnancy. On the other hand, your workmates are looking at how big and popped-out your belly is. Two completely different things.


The fact that you've gained basically nothing should be more of a concern. Are you eating enough?


Exercise is important when you're pregnant. Do pregnancy stretches in the evening while you're watching t.v. to stretch out your spine and keep you limber. Swimming, walking, dancing and yoga are supposed to be some of the best exercises for pregnancy.


And most of all, don't stress over stuff. Every pregnancy is different and there's no such thing as normal.

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Hi. I'm 29 weeks, almost 30, and the size of my "baby bump" has never been a concern for me, through any of my pregnancies, or my doctor. My ob says as long as the baby is growing fine and on track, then you should have nothing to worry about. Your size has nothing to do with the baby's size.

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Thanks everyone, i feel a lot better now. I don't think people realise that when you say things to new mums to be that they will worry about it. When someone at work goes 'ooo i think your bump is huge i was that big when i was full term' it doesn't do much for your self confidence considering you already feel like a pot bellied pig.

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she doesn't seem concerned at all, i have only been weighed once by her, in fact in my whole 23 weeks and 4 days of being pregnant i have only seen her 2 or 3 times, i think this will be more now though as i am coming up to the third trimester and because of the UTI i had.

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Hope is way more knowledgeable on this than me and gave probably give way better info. However, it doesn't sound to me as if you are getting proper care from your midwife. I am really surprised by how little she has seen you - the other pregnant women on the boards seem to have regular and frequent contact with their docs. I am also surprised she is not making more of an issue of the weight. Would you consider going to a doctor as well?

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I will say that it is unusual that you've only seen her 2-3 times total. The recommended visit schedule is once per month after the first 9 weeks and throughout the second trimester, and then once a week for the third trimester until the last week or so, and then every few days for close monitoring up until you deliver.


As far as weight gain, you should typically have gained about 4-5lbs the first trimester, and then be gaining about 1lb a week for the second trimester and then a little over a lb a week for the third- which, at 23 weeks you should have gained about 13-15 lbs by now. At 6-7, you are about 1/2 that. It obviously fluctuates depending on it you were thin or heavier to start with (if you are thinner you should gain a little more, if you are heavier, a little less) but in your picture you look pretty small.


I'm pretty concerned, and I think you should be seeing an OB in addition to this midwife, especially where you had that really severe UTI and ended up in the ER. This is your first pregnancy, so you really don't know what to expect or look for, you should be more closely monitored than you have been, if you ask me. There's nothing wrong with using a midwife too, but I would add an OB/GYN to your list of Health Care Providers to make sure you are getting enough monitorinig and proper care.

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i don't know how to add an OB as i am using the NHS (i'm from the uk) which means it is free treatment but everyone pays through taxes and the government fund it. I am seeing the midwife next week to ask for a sheet of when to book appointments as i was told at the hospital i should have this by now. I think she is really rushed off her feet to be honest she is the only midwife for my doctors practice so i guess she has to see a lot og pregnant women.

Yeah i was quite thin before i became pregnant (uk size 8-10). I have a bump and the baby is a normal size according to scans but it is odd i have hardly gained any weight especially as i have not really been exercising at all.

I'll ask my midwife next wednesday about my weight hopefully she can give me some advice and check me over.

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I don,t think it matters which one you take. The "brand name" is called Materna. But I compared labels with the cheaper brands and they were essentially the same. I don't know if they will help, but I think I saw someone else on here suggesting that they might.


I am confused because you say you're at 24 weeks, but T.C. is due in March - just 2 months away.

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Are you not taking prenatal vitamins? Didn't your midwife recommend them when you first found out that you were pregnant?


If this midwife is so busy it doesn't sound like she has the time to see all of these patients and still g ive quality care. Can your doctor refer you to an OB that is covered under NHS?

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No he is due May, for some reason (probably tired) i put March.

well she suggested i take folic acid, which i am still doing as i bought a huge bottle of them and they can still be beneficial even in these stages.

I have seen a brand called pregnacare advertised, they seem quite popular.


My doctors so a shared care scheme meaning that all my antenatal care is through my midwife unless something is wrong then i go to hospital where i see various OBs/ doctors etc. My midwife just doesn't seem to be available when i go to make appointments she is always booked up or she is working in the hospital that week. I also haven't been told when to make appointments.


It is v. confusing but luckily i have an appointment next week so i can get things sorted and find out when to make appointments and when she will be visiting.

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Wow- that system stinks. I hope that when you see her next week you can get this straightened out and get some more regular visits scheduled. I certainly think you should be followed more closely than you have been.


Do bring up the weight gain to her and the vitamins and see what she says.

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Thanks hope75, yes i definitely intend to because to be honest i seem to be in the dark most of the time when it comes to my pregnancy and i am concerned aboout weight gain and these vitamins.

i can't wait until i get regular check ups. its a great reassurance of mind

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Thanks hope75, yes i definitely intend to because to be honest i seem to be in the dark most of the time when it comes to my pregnancy and i am concerned aboout weight gain and these vitamins.

i can't wait until i get regular check ups. its a great reassurance of mind


Don't be afraid to be aggressively proactive with your pregnancy. As you think of questions write them down and bring the paper with you when you see your doctor. Get a book on a healthy pregnancy and do some reading. This is your body, your baby, and your pregnancy- you deserve to be informed and well cared for.

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