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to wish or not to wish...

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If you want my history, its all in my previous threads...


Part of me still wants my ex back.


So, here's my question. His birthday is coming up in february. Should I text him a happy birthday then?


He txt'd me a happy birthday when it was mine in december. I txt'd him happy new year and he never responded.


Should I follow the "make him live his life without you" and not wish him a happy birthday? or should I just follow what my emotions say and wish him one...


We've had some contact between new years and now, but only for him to get the rest of his stuff out of the house...

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I don't know the answer to this. I sent a text to my ex on New Year's because I felt so guilty about not contacting him over Christmas. I still want him back but it didn't get me anywhere. However, I'm still glad I did it. I'm not the kind of person that can just let that stuff pass. I wish I could.

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Great question. When my boyfriend's birthday rolled around, he was my ex and I was doing NC, although I spent the whole day debating whether or not to send a text. It killed me, but I didn't send the text.


When we did get back together he never held it against me, he understood.

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Last I checked, it's mid-January. You're worrying about a TEXT MESSAGE that you're going to send in a MONTH. Don't you think your ex has a little too much control over you right now? And that keeping your distance and living life for YOURSELF can only help you in the long run?


Don't mean to be harsh, but I went through this stage, too, and it passes.

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Good for you! You can get through it, I know it.


I've repeated this advice ad nauseum on these boards, but it's the best I've ever gotten. When the ex and I broke up and I was tying myself in knots after every communication, my friend took me aside and told me that I was acting like a puppet that was being controlled by a person that I wasn't even dating. That was just the kick in the a** I needed to get myself in gear.


You can do it!

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Last I checked, it's mid-January. You're worrying about a TEXT MESSAGE that you're going to send in a MONTH. Don't you think your ex has a little too much control over you right now? And that keeping your distance and living life for YOURSELF can only help you in the long run?


Don't mean to be harsh, but I went through this stage, too, and it passes.


Right on.

Worry about it then.

If you want to then, sure do it.

But maybe you possibly may even forget about it.

I've been thinking about crappy * * * Valentine's day. I'll worry about it then. Or maybe I won't.

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If i were you, don't text him on his bday. First, he didn't reply on your 'happy new year'. and another thing, you'll be disappointed if you text him 'happy bday' and he didn't respond back, right.


So just do NC. it's the best way.


I did the same thing with my ex. I thought I'm going to regret it but thinking about it now, i'll say, No! I didn't regret it at all.

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like Bobby Lee's madTV skit Tank- " PASSSS"...honestly my ex's birthday was not to long ago. and for me i thought about wishing her a happy birthday..but then! i thought about it. why would i wanna wish her something happy when she left me to be with someone else... honestly its your call, but just remember it can and will set u back if you do.

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