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i havent checked my cell all day and now its 530pm and i look to see who i got missed call from and its from my ex!!!! he didnt leave any voicemail just a missed call at 12:55pm? why did he call me and break NC? i am so glad i didnt answer the call... i wouldnt know what to say. I really do want to talk to him but i dont want to sound desperate. maybe he was just checking up on me? why should he? he is the one who wanted NC? I am confused. Now i really understand why NC is necessary. My heart is pounding.... Why doesnt he just email me. ugh!!

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Chill...it's ok.

You are more mysterious to him now...in the back of his mind, he's wondering, "hmmm, what is she up to? She didn't answer. She with someone else?"


Don't be confused. Be empowered.


He was too scared to leave a message.


If he had anything to say, he would have.


Act like it never happened.

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theres probably a million reasosn why he did but try not to worry about any of them right now, he should have left a message if it was something important. how long ago did you break up? he may still be dealing with the anxiety of the break up..... leave it alone if it's not good for you. definitely don't call back you may be in for a trap.... if he calls again decide for yourself if u want to talk to him

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we broke up three weeks ago and i did call him on the first week but i was ignored. I hate being ignored. Now, he calls me! i am glad i missed that call, now he knows what i felt when he didnt answer or return my calls. Who does he think he is.... ugh, i think i am in the anger stage cause i am so mad at him right now. i wont worry about the call, i will just pretend like it never happened. i dont know what to tell him if he calls again. i feel like i barely know him anymore. three weeks might not be long but for me it really feels like months!

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hmm, never tried that one before (and sounds like i should have). what does that do? make him wonder? i am not sure i want him back right now, so if that will make him call me more, i would rather not answer his calls at all.

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Oh, I was dumped alright.

Never saw it coming.

Totally blind sided.

I've really screwed up since, too.

I've called too much.

I don't know the meaning of NC....lol

Dumped over the phone.

Does not want to see me face to face.

Don't know why. Things were lovely...first relationship that ran so smoothly.

She's since quit talking to me and not returned phone calls.

Oh well.

So yeah...the anger phase is kicking in.

A lot of the misery is fading

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Thought I'd get in on this one. I'm in the middle of a gina tonic myself and yes it does help. I wa also dumped ove the phone after a 6 year relationshsip. I went strick NC for the first 2 months but really wanted to talk so 2 weeks ago I called him and he agreed to talk to me after the 8th (he had his kids for Christmas vacation). He said he would call. Well it's the 13th and I haven't heard anything yet. It's becoming apparent that I probably won't so I'm back in the anger stage. What a coward! Breaking up over the phone after 6 years!!! I think a face to face would help in my closure but I gue he can't even do that! Well the gin and tonic is helping anyways : )

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Don't mean to take over HDD's thread, but....

I was with her for a year and a half...It was really nice. Always laughing. I screwed up at the beginning of the break up by freaking out and calling too much.

My heart still wants her back..I've got my own thread here just recently posted.

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