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I've been thinking of ways to make myself feel better and let go of the pain, even if it's just for 5 minutes. It occurs to me that maybe we can share ideas on things to do that would be theraputic. Right now the normal things I do don't make me feel better because they were things I did when we were together, so the reminder is there. Excersizing is not working for me. Maybe nightly walks. A bubble bath. Maybe something I haven't done in a long time that would just make me laugh at the siliness, yet fun. Can anyone think of ways to laugh and have a little fun? Maybe if we all chime in with fun stuff we can all together get better.

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Hanging out with friends is a definite plus...I've found that personal interaction takes your mind off of a lot of things. Reading definitely works as well. And perhaps the best way....get it all out...whether it be through here or writing it down in a notebook. For a while, I would just open up a random notebook and write and write and write. It's kinda like one of those walls where your parents mark your height over the years. You can look back on your words and see how far you've come and maybe even laugh. Talk to your friends about your hurting. Thankfully I have friends who like to listen, so I would get a lot out when I was hanging around them. I would also find that they had gone through similar if not the same experiences which was also very helpful. We are all here as well.


Try new things.


Good luck!

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I download a tv series to watch when I'm home alone. This helps get my mind off of the ex. Not very productive though.. I'm currently watching Heroes.


Thats a good show though


I started going to the gym more, which helps for me. I also changed the type of music I listen to. I usually dont like hip hop that much, but do when Im feeling down. I watched my favorite movie "swingers" which helps a bit. I try to make sure i have solid plans for the weekends and try to hang out with other women when possible.


i also complain and whine like a little girl on ENA constantly, but that helps me to not do it in front of my friends. I try my best to just act happy around them, because usually i find myself acting...and eventually i realize i dont have to act anymore.


I also always buy myself something expensive when I feel this way. This time around it was a new ipod. One time i bought a new car!


I also spend some time reflecting on other peoples lives and realize that I have it much better then some people. It helps put things in perspective.


One thing I usually do, which isn't for everybody is contact an old ex. Not to try to rekindle the flame or anything, but rather so I can talk to her and then when Im done I feel nothing. I tell myself, "that ex is just another girl and someday this girl will be too"


Its a constant battle...you got to keep it up

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I've done all thos things, call the ex, been spending more than usual, ect.. Yes I feel better for a while, but then BAM. There's a car that looks like hers, there's a song that i heard with her, you know what I mean. That's why I figure if I do at least some different things, break the routine, it will get me out of this rut. I'm thinking of doing like Wayner427 and kicking back with a favorite movie. Not grand I know, but it's a start. anything but sit around feeling bad for myself again. It does help to talk about it, and this site has helped me tremendously.

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Express yourself.

Strive to know who you are.

That's what your life will center around.


Stepping stones for me were these: praying- sometimes pleading with God- reading books like "Conversations with God" and "Little Soul and the Sun" and "Purpose Driven Life" (when I was thirteen- each made me cry),


watch the movies "Before Sunset," "If Only"- starring Jennifer Love Hewitt, "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within" and "Final Fantasy: Advent Children"- mainly for the church action scene, ending scenes and the special features.


Listen to these songs. (they'll be from me to you!)

"The Stars Shine in the Sky Tonight"- The Eels

"If you see Natalie"- The Eels


"I Belong to me"-Jessica Simpson

"Hurt"-Christina Aguilara

"We Belong Together"-Gavin Degraw

"In Loving Memory"- Alter Bridge

"Savin Me"- Nickleback

"Brighter than Sunshine"- Aqualung

And then buy the CD, Nickle Creek. Trust me- it takes you to a peaceful place. It surprised me.


Find one person to let your thoughts/feelings out to. Find one person to give everything and let go of everything. Say, "Hi me..." when you look in the mirror in the morning and "Thank you, God for everything..." before you go to sleep at night.


Beauty product that is a must: Aveeno Positively Radiant Facial Cleanser, get the daily pads/wipes one that exfoliates as well as freshens.

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Join one new interesting club. I joined a drama group and it made me feel a lot better. Impossible to think about other stuff when trying to memorize lines and laughing at all the ridiculous stuff people do during improv nights!


Do a few nice things for other people - without them or anyone else finding out that you did it.


Pray for your ex - it helps the pain go away inside you too.

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One thing I usually do, which isn't for everybody is contact an old ex. Not to try to rekindle the flame or anything, but rather so I can talk to her and then when Im done I feel nothing. I tell myself, "that ex is just another girl and someday this girl will be too"


Wow, that's what I've been doing and I didn't really put it in that perspective. I kind of talk to her like it's nothing. I feel nothing, but never thought of it as... one day, my ex will be just like my former ex.

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Man, so much to list! I guess I'll just add what I've done recently...that is watching the entire DVD series of Band of Brothers! After watching that at my sister's house (I don't have a tv at my house and my DVD drive on my pc won't play DVD's lol), my problem is small potatoes compared to what those folks went through and how it reminds me to appreciate life more...

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Blueangel,Thanx so much! You have been a wonderful help & blessing to

me!!! My Ex boyfriend was abusive & controlling on top of it all,and I had

a strange attachment to him,simular to Stockholm syndrome.

He saved me from a frightening experience & I dated him,then he pushed

for a commitment,I finally gave in & became his girlfriend,& things got even

worse!!! Thanx Blueangel! I got some of the songs you suggested and I like

the facial cleansing products you mentioned,& I also like the calming -

moisturizer too. Thank you,many,many,many times over for helping me to

smile again!!!

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Blueangel,Thanx so much! You have been a wonderful help & blessing to

me!!! My Ex boyfriend was abusive & controlling on top of it all,and I had

a strange attachment to him,simular to Stockholm syndrome.

He saved me from a frightening experience & I dated him,then he pushed

for a commitment,I finally gave in & became his girlfriend,& things got even

worse!!! Thanx Blueangel! I got some of the songs you suggested and I like

the facial cleansing products you mentioned,& I also like the calming -

moisturizer too. Thank you,many,many,many times over for helping me to

smile again!!!


I have more where that came from. Drop me a line anytime you need it. I'm glad that helped. And wow, you are 15- and have been through such pain. But you know what? I think for the rest of your life, it could and might make you work harder towards happiness and light because you fear going back to that dark place. At least that's what happened to me...

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