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Pregnancy: SWELLING ugh

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Hey I just wanted to know if there are any remedies for swelling during pregnancy?


I know it could be a sign of something bad (preeclampsia or however its spelled) but it isn't too dramatic and is just realllllllllly uncomfortable.


My hands and my feet swell so much during the day and by the end of the day they are so big and weird. It feels like pinching in both my hands and feet...is there anything that can be done?

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Have you talked to your doctor about this? If your extremeties are swelling like that then I think you need to be checked for preeclampsia. How is your blood pressure?


If your blood pressure is normal, then increase your intake of liquids and make those kidneys work the fluid through your body as much as possible. Try resting on your side a few times a day.


Do you have access to a swimming pool? Swimming works great to reduce swelling because the water pressure forces the tissue fluid back into the veins.

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I agree with avman that I would check with your doctor. A little swelling is normal but not too much- it's better to be safe than sorry. Can you make an appt for the next day or so? What was your blood pressure the last time you checked it and when was that?


Try to stop and elevate your feet for 30 minutes or so several times during the day, and when you lie down be sure and lie on your left side (to avoid pinching off a major vessel that supplies blood to you and the baby.) and make sure you are not getting too much sodium in your diet, but you do need some. (avoid things like adding table salt to foods).

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Rising hormone levels can lead to a lot of swelling in late pregnancy,but make sure you get checked by the doctor to see if it is abnormal or not...


i know lots of women who spent their last of month of pregnancy in slippers because their feet were so swollen... do cut back on salty things, but if it is hormonal, you might have to invest in a good pair of slippers...

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I had a dr.'s appointment two weeks ago and my blood pressure is "perfect" and everything looks good. I have another one this week. I'm in my last month so I expect things to be uncomfortable and it's not too bad...all the books say to make sure my face doesn't swell and all that so I don't think it's a medical thing, although I'll double check when I go to the doctor. It's just uncomfortable.


It's better earlier in the day but the more I walk around and the later it gets, my feet look like a hobbit's and my hands feel like cement blocks. UGH I guess I'll just have to get used to it...I'll definently increase my liquids (can I really have to go to the bathroom more than I already do??) and I think there are some salts I'm sure I can cut back on. Thanks for the advice guys.


Oh and I REALLY wish I had access to a swimming pool. I would love to know what being weightless would feel like right about now. I think I'm going to check my company's policy on "slipper-wearing" because that would make my day go by so much smoother.


Also, Hope you mentioned laying on my left side...this is what I do pretty much all the time, but is it REALLY bad to lay on my right? There's only those two positions I can get comfy in since laying on my back is no longer an option whatsoever...am I only supposed to lay on my left...?

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Also, Hope you mentioned laying on my left side...this is what I do pretty much all the time, but is it REALLY bad to lay on my right? There's only those two positions I can get comfy in since laying on my back is no longer an option whatsoever...am I only supposed to lay on my left...?


It's not terrible to lie on your right side, if you are comfortable that way. The left is best because it provides the best circulation but the right is Ok too.


The big no-no is lying on your back- which can pinch off a major blood vessel (the vena cava) that supplies blood to your baby and to you, and can give you 'supine hypotension syndrome', or low blood pressure to the point of fainting.


I'm glad your BP was good at your last visit, and just mention the swelling when you go back and make sure they think it is normal.


Can't believe it is this close to delivery time!

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This morning when I woke up I saw that my fingers had swelled up so much that my ring was practically turning my finger blue. It left a red welt around my finger.


I give you permission to treat yourself to a foot massage and pedicure. Ask her to rub your ankle as well.

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Kankles is it?


What fun! I know you are probably thinking what are you talking about! I just miss those days of being pregnant with my little ones.


Can you run by a pharmacy and check your blood pressure? Mine was normal until the last month of pregnancy with each of my children. I was put off work and on bedrest for high blood pressure.


If it seems to be a huge increase in swelling from previously, at least call your doctor or check your blood pressure!


Keep us posted!

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Ooo, I'm getting my pedicure on Wednesday (happy birthday to me!) and I'm going to be bossing her around, lol!


I think I will stop by a drug store just to double check, thanks for that suggestion ITG! Otherwise I have my dr.'s appointment on Thursday. I'm pretty sure everything is fine, I'm just getting annoyed and complaining all the time! Kankles, LOL! I know EXACTLY what you're talking about and that's what I have...I'm SO happy I'm going through this during winter, not summer.

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I just read a poem and this was part of it...I feel like I've been acting so silly because I know the following is true...(Don't mean to impose any beliefs on anyone!)


"Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle."

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