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too shy to wear swimwear in public!

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This is a weird problem Ive had for a long time.

I feel too awkward to wear a swim suit (im female), and eventhough I love swimming, i feel like this is a huge obstacle.


I used to swim a lot before i hit puberty...and i miss those days.

Now, its just weird, its like I have an 'issue'. I just cant seem to do it.

Im not fat, but i am a little on the chubbier side.


Suggestions to get over this ?

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You can get swim shorts for women, with a long top. They look very cool and funky in black, and that might get you over the anxiety of being 'revealed' in public.


Also, I used to swim a lot - go at a strange time of day (mid morning in the week) when there aren't loads of teens/young people there, and you will see people swimming for health and having a nice time, and coming in ALL shapes and sizes. I swear to you, no one is looking at what you look like. Plus, speaking for myself, when I'm in the pool I can't see anything at all - you would be a vague girl-shaped blob and no more.


Or go for women only sessions in the local pool? That's always fun! Just start going again, and you will quickly realise that you only have to do a quick dash to the pool then you are hidden underwater! (Wear your towel as close as you can, then you have about 3 seconds to do a public walk to the water, lol)


Good luck!

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Good advice above i was just gonna say the same sort of thing about the shorts!


You can buy a swiming costume called a "tanktini" Its a vest top and shorts which covers you up more than a normal costume would.


You really shouldnt worry about what other people think and just remember, there will always be people much bigger than you in the pool. At the end of the day you are all there for the same thing....to keep fit.

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Unless you are going to an outdoor pool where the idea is to work on your tan, look gorgeous, and when you get hot, spray water on yourself from a bottle so that your hair doesn't get messed up (yes, I have indeed seen those bubble headed women do that because they are there to catch a man, not to swim!), nobody looks. People just want to swim. Face it, how many people look stunning in a bathing cap and swimming goggles! I tend to wear something over my bathing suit which only comes off just before I go into the water. As soon as I get out of the water, I wrap a towel around me.

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Hey, I think all the advice you've gotten is great so far. I don't really have anything to add to that...I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone. I have the same fear, except I don't enjoy swimming so I'm not forcing myself to get over it. I think if you do what the above posters said, you'll be just fine and be able to enjoy swimming again

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