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Day 33


Its too hot here in my home country, summer just starts...


I slept nearly a day because of Jet lag...still I woke up in the middle of the night, felt so regretful... I regret those memories with him, I mite have shared with the one...biggest mistake ever in my life and now im feeling hurt...


Just waiting for my friends at home to finish their exams so that we can organise a holiday together..


For the meantime , gotta start my research on Investment Banking and Finance for the summer.


@Smickey Im not in London anymore I lived in Croydon for 2 years tho but most of my best friends are in London so is my ex, so I go to London quite a lot but luckily, havent bumped in to my ex lol. Hope socialising has helped u so far, good luck, im on holiday back in my country

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Thanks for the support lovehurtz


Day 4 (or 24 lol)


Am ok today but he keeps coming into my head! Get out you!


Am looking forward to the weekend. Going camping with friends. A couple I haven't seen since the break up. Just hope they don't ask too many questions. Just going to reply with a dignified "it just didn't work out". Have a great weekend.

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Day 24(?)


Bluh... why does my ex have to drive one of the most popular cars (Subaru Outback) in this country? Why does she have to drive one of the most popular cars with the most popular color scheme (Hunter greenish)? I swear there's about 10,000 of those things driving around here.

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Day 3


So he called me last night...about 3 times and I thought I had turned my phone on silent before going to sleep and I was wrong...surprise much? It was from restricted so I picked it up and it was him and he started talking to me...apparently, fate was at its best yesterday so my phone was quite statickish and so I shut it off and txted him and said"sorry. I dont want to talk."


I guess during that time, I fell asleep. Woke up this morning to 21 new txt messages and one cruel voice message. Then shut it off again and woke up to apologetic voicemails. While I was listening to these, a restricted number beeped in and i picked it up and 'twas him....of course, saying how much he missed me...blah blah blah...and I didnt say much...let him talk for 5 minutes and declared that I had to go. He promised to stop calling me.


Sometimes I miss him. But most of the time..I remember how he made me feel and all the mean mean things he did. ]:

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Day 21. I think. Finally understood why he let me go...weirdest experience...someone said something (someone I had just been introduced to by someone else) about someone else's relationship and how it ended and I realized it was basically the same thing as mine except it took that other relationship a lot longer to come to the same conclusion (feelings just weren't there and there's no way to fix that even if you think the person is great and get along well with them). Strangely, a story about a couple I had never met, told by someone I had just met clarified so many things to me. Finally, I feel okay about this because I understand why it happened.

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Day 7


Talked with an old friend today about the relationship. Lots of emotions came up but I will continue NC.


I still miss him SO SOOOOO much, but I know that I can not change the way he feels.


I am staying busy although it is still very hard to concentrate. I still see things throughout the day that remind me of him and it puts me back.


Oh, he did make it easier on me....he blocked me on his AIM. Now I know he has no intention of contacting me so although that is very sad in a way it is helping me move on.

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I'm not part of the challenge, I am in NC though. S.Ken....you are so right. My ex drives that exact same car and it's a bugger. Every time I see a car like that, I think of him. I don't need anymore triggers to start me thinking. Oh for the day it doesn't mean anything anymore.


How can it be that something as mundane as passing a car can make my heart fasten. I hate what an effect he has had on me, or should I be saying, what an effect I let him have on me. ARGHHH

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Day 34, I woke up at 2 am and couldnt get back to sleep again..

The same feeling of regretting emerged again...


How much I wish that I had never met him before, I didnt even like him when I first saw him, gosh, how could I be that blind to fall in love ?


This morning, I recalled all the bad things that people did to me, I didnt take revenge and the karma thing did work, it just took a little time and they all paid their price... I wonder...

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Hi MsBear,


Karma DOES work, its so so so true! People do get what they deserve, its happened to me so many times, that is why if someone hurt me really badly, I'm always sure they'll get what they deserve...wonders of the univers!


Ive been in no contact for a while now, Ive even lost count! Dont know if anyone remembers my stories but it was tough. He kept calling me back and we'd see each other a lot...until I realised he was using me...and that I was worth MUCH better! Ive actually met someone now whom Im sure will be SO much better to me than he ever would have...even though, as usual the first few months are all romantic and charming....BUT....NC has helped me realise that I am worth more than all this obsessive behavior and giving so much attention and love to someone who doesnt even give a damn! And THE best thing out of all this, is that Im sure he'll realise the chance he missed to be with such a wonderful person! Thats the GREAT part of it!!!


So guys...TRUST SD's words, NC is definetley the best thing in the World to do zhen your heart hurts like hell...it'll get better every day. All you have to do is make plans and occupy your mind constantly...sure I still think about my ex...but I realised that it had become more of an obsession rather than love itself and I was fooling myself. Only NC helped realised this....


Best of luck to everyone out there who is hurting. Time always heals and there is usually a SUPER surprise at the end of it all.... believe in yourself....

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Hi HFSF, Hope your doing well. I am good thanks. Just been out with this hiking group I joined today and had a great time. Off out with them tonight for a few beers too, one woman I have kinda got on with and she invited me along tonight!


So DAY 25 and things are ok for me..

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Day 8


I wanted to call him all day today.


I know he is still blocking me and that is helping, but it still really really hurts. I still feel tremendous guilt for pushing him away...although it was not intentional.


I fell like I am a little kid (i'm 29) that is back in grade school.


I guess that being in love with "the one" has made this so hard.


I am keeping with NC.....can't wait till the end of the month. That will be 30 days. I am still on track..hopefully the temptations will decrease over the next few weeks.


Thanks for everyones support!!!

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Thanks for ur thoughts =)


My ex is super jerk, he doesnt call me back or try to contact me simply because he is scared of me, when we broke up, he asked his best friend to call me to calm me down after I found out his cheating because he was scared that I would do something to his bank account and credit cards as I had the details ...sorry but I have never used his money to buy anything...


Still, I think about him, its rather obsession than anything else, I have so much more to care about rather than a jerk who just wants to use me rather loves me and he is just a biggest liar ever ...


Its day 35, Im going to the spa to have some massages and manicure treatments...gonna treat myself and improve me inside out lol

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NC day 12 in the Big Mother house sorry - hehe!


well..ive been bit down past cpl of days..its hard when im in limbo waiting to start getting busy trading with my new biz and also not having enough money to even put petrol in the car so i can put the roof down and go for a drive somewhere! theres nowt on tv, well there is...but i dont 'watch' it as my minds somewhere else...so ive decided to try for this job looking after this old lady which will get me out doing something worthwhile whilst still having time to fit in my exercise and set up the biz. should make enough to put money in car to go driving and also to take my son camping once a week...we both love it, and although me and the ex used to go, i will prove to myself i can still do that without him (i make a mean fire ) plus it will help my son not to feel left out cos of new baby


i also had a hot date lined up for tuesday night, he was an old old ex, sexy goodlooking blah blah but...i decided to call it off... this is what i emailed him..


"ive been thinking bout tuesday and i think its best we just leave things and not meet up. guess my heart body and soul belongs elsewhere, and this time round ive got too much respect for myself to just get 'used'.


take care"


guess this break up with recent ex and NC has other benefits too - when you feel strong about yourself and you love yourself and look after yourself...you make sure everybody else treats you with the upmost respect also - or they can take a hike...as in this case!


hope everyone else is ok this weekend?



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Day 19.


Had a good night Friday, met a nice girl but still did not feel right. Had a good laugh but do not see it going anywhere.


Decided to have some me time saturday and today. Just crashed out, eat some food and watched loads of TV. Slept loads too.


Feel ok, up and down really but I need to enjoy my own company and be happy just spending time with me.


Still wondering what she is up too every now and again. reflecting what went wrong. Still get angry with her but i am hoping all these feelings will fade with the longer NC carries on for.


Take care all

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