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It may take a few days but odds are she will answer. However if you know that she checks her email regularly and responds timely and she does take a few days. I would probably not follow up.


Well I texted her just saying hi yesterday and she responded in kind,She used to check every few days

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Day 1.

I started over, he called me on day three and I gave in because I was longing for him to show some sign of affection or anything. I wanted to know that he cared so I answered his call and all I got on the other line was him crying for an hour.

Things went down hill from there (that was earlier in the week) and now I've decided to go NC again. This will be difficult. I will be seeing him on Tuesday for a work thing. I will try to ignore him. Maybe a wave or whatever, if he feels so inclined.

I feel better today. Got some exercise in this morning and did a few hours of work, and I feel a lot relaxed.

I hope I can stick to NC this time, prove to myself, to him, to my family & friends that I am strong.

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NC Round 2, Day 3...After that initial bout of self-doubt about whether I handled his contacting me correctly, I'm feeling better about it again. I am slightly curious as to whether he will attempt to talk again soon, but I'm not dwelling on it! It helps to have so much going on with school, I wouldn't really have time to mope about him and the new gf even if I wanted to.

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Day 17 - Up and down day. I was really missing her today for some reason. Maybe it was the anticipation of my blind date tonight. I had the date, the girl was nice, not really my type, and it was a pleasant enough evening. I was there with my business partner and his wife. They left us alone, and I mentioned that my business partner's wife had been trying to set me up with her for a couple of months, and I had originally told her "I just got divorced, I'm not ready yet. I don't want to be the crazy guy who talks about his ex the whole time." So, the next thing she asks is "Are you still in love with her?" to which I answer "Yes" and then we spend the next 20 minutes talking about my ex and the work I'm doing on myself and her divorce. So much for not being the crazy guy. Like I said, she was nice enough, and there were no sparks.


I got home and there was an e-mail from the ex, I'll post about it elsewhere. I'm not responding to it.


Its very late for me. I'm going to finish catching up on ENA, then its sleep time. I think I'm taking a sleeping pill tonight. I don't want to wake up with the sun tomorrow.

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Well I had to text my ex today (see my other thread), I did not have a choice under the circumstances. It was a factual, to the point message. I do not expect a reply, despite all the crap he told me about remaining good friends and in touch etc. I would not respond back even if he did, as I feel very hurt by him at the moment, and I find for the first time in the year I've known him, I have no real desire to talk to him,as I fear his responses now, as they are so hurtful and mean, despite his protestations otherwise. However, I'm continuing on and counting this as my 5th day NC. Is that ok to do?

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Well I had to text my ex today (see my other thread), I did not have a choice under the circumstances. It was a factual, to the point message. I do not expect a reply, despite all the crap he told me about remaining good friends and in touch etc. I would not respond back even if he did, as I feel very hurt by him at the moment, and I find for the first time in the year I've known him, I have no real desire to talk to him,as I fear his responses now, as they are so hurtful and mean, despite his protestations otherwise. However, I'm continuing on and counting this as my 5th day NC. Is that ok to do?


What is the thread called about the text?

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Been about a month since I last communicated with the ex. I think it is taking much longer to get over because of all the confusion involved. I am beginning to accept it, but I don't like the idea of hope that we will get back together (how she left it, IDK about the signs since we broke it off). All just so confusing to me.

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Yeah, I still find myself checking my phone as soon as I wake up.....there's never anything there


I really wish he wasn't the first thought to enter my mind when I wake up.


Day 27


I hear that... I woke up at 4:30 this morning just wondering why all the lies, who's going to protect ME? Why hasn't anyone confronted HIM about his actions? HIM HIM HIM HIM HIM.... I am SO TIRED of thinking of him. I wish I could get out of my own head...

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Day 27


I hear that... I woke up at 4:30 this morning just wondering why all the lies, who's going to protect ME? Why hasn't anyone confronted HIM about his actions? HIM HIM HIM HIM HIM.... I am SO TIRED of thinking of him. I wish I could get out of my own head...


Me too. It's realllllllllllllly exhausting isn't it!!! I'm the one enduring the physical and emotional consequences of all this.....I can safely say he probably rarely gives me a thought. I just want to feel......peace. I can't wait for that feeling. Last week I woke up CONSTANTLY in the middle of the night, sometimes in a cold sweat....that's how much he has my mind addled....even subconsciously!!! LOL!

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round 2, day 2.

he contacted me last night over IM, needed some help with some website coding. i made it short and sweet. i didn't help him. i could feel that huge lump in my throat twisting around, i wanted to cry so much the second he spoke. i pulled my sneakers on and left the conversation saying i'd help him another time. i went for a run in the rain. felt amazingly liberating. he told me he missed me just before i signed off. thought about it on the run and probably thought about it too much. wanted to text him so bad last night, tell him how i was feeling. i didn't and was proud of myself.

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That's awesome, Postscript! I know how hard it must have been, I still have my ex blocked on AIM because I don't trust myself to not talk to him if he IMs me. (And because I don't want to think about him and his reactions every time I put an away message up...)


Round 2, Day 4. Not too bad of a day, I spent the day studying and then went out to dinner with a friend. Got home and sent a quick message to a guy I've been talking to online recently--we're trying to figure out when we can meet up. Given that I was also talking to him just before I met the ex and ended up not meeting him back then because of my new relationship, I'm eager to see what happens on "the road not taken," lol. Hurray for second chances?

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Day 18 - Overall I'll call it a good day. Kind of a lazy Saturday, which I needed after tax season. I did go to the office for a few hours, although I didn't get there until almost 5 since I was watching a good baseball game. I got some reading for pleasure done, did some writing, put out bird feeders, and did my ENA time. I thought about the ex more than normal because of stuff going on here on ENA, and putting things in perspective. As odd as it may seem, in some ways I can see the future falling into place. I don't know, I'm just at peace with things. I miss her tremendously, and want to talk to her, and its been 18 days...I can survive another 12. And maybe more. I guess I believe that she really misses me, too, and that everything I'm doing is moving things in the direction I want.


Last night was a late night, I didn't get to sleep until 2 AM. I took a sleeping pill so I wouldn't wake up with the sun, and did manage to sleep until 10, so it was a late start to the day. Tonight, I'm going to go upstairs, do a little more reading, have my nightly "talk with the ex" and be asleep between 11 and 11:30. Not exactly exciting, but peaceful. And peaceful is a good thing for me.

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Day 12 -- Friday and Saturday are finally over. I hate the weekends. I wonder what she's doing and who she's spending them with. It hurts. I dread the latter part of the week when the weekend's about to come up for exactly that reason. I tried to keep my mind occupied with other things, but that's not an easy task. I needed all the strength I could muster to hold on to NC this past couple of days but I did it, and i'm glad.


Looking forwards to the week.

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