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wow you are a lot stronger then I am right now...but i guess with 14days you've grown/healed a lot more then me... i'm going on 7days since i forced myself to leave and today is day 2 of NC.


Day 14. He left me a message last night at 1am, that he wants to talk.

Of course, I am not calling back.

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i just wanted to leave a few words of encouragement here for everyone trying to make it to 30 days.

i sent my ex a short email a few days ago after 8 MONTHS. the only reason i sent it was that i had a friend die in a motorcyle accident. the ex rides like a crazy thing, and despite everything that has come and gone, i just wanted to tell her to be careful as is does sometomes happen to people you know.

i have her email address blocked so i will never know if she replied or not.




i was once where you are now. getting to a few days. looking at myspace. begin again. a few days. send her a text. begin again.

sure, it was so very difficult to make it to the 30 days, but it got easier as time went on.

when i reached the magic number, i set myself the task of another 30 days. i think it was about half way through those days that i stopped counting and here i am.


it's not easy, but it gets easier.


i still miss her. i still love her. i cannot afford to let her control my emotions any longer, so i cannot have contact with her in any way.


you can all do it if i can!


just another quick word. if you have myspace, best get rid. no good can come of that place. the temptation to 'check in is just too much'


good luck, and stay strong.


8 months NC (or there abouts) and no longer counting!



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thanks for the kind words....

its extremely hard... 3 years just ended in a flash..

I'm still shocked I actually left with just 2 boxes of clothes....someday i'll have to go get all my stuff but i'm not ready to go back just yet.

i need more time to heal!


Actually, you can just get more stuff. I left a ton of things at my ex's and I do not care if I see the stuff again.

Pretend like they were burned in a fire or stolen....Just stay away and stay strong.

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there are things I cant just leave... many personal memories from my own family... but i see what you are saying..




Actually, you can just get more stuff. I left a ton of things at my ex's and I do not care if I see the stuff again.

Pretend like they were burned in a fire or stolen....Just stay away and stay strong.

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Er apparently Day 3 I thought it had been longer than that. My God, seems like forever! Not feeling good today, missing him and wondering what he's up to..wondering if it involves other girls I VERY nearly texted him, but luckily made a thread on here and some very brilliant people slapped me back into reality. I'm glad I didn't. Gotta be strong and respect myself.

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day 2 ended with a call from her for me also...


it seemed like she had a bad day at work and was really missing me...I kept it short and didnt say anything about the breakup...

just i'm sorry you had a bad day and i hope she feels better... have a good weekend and be safe..



Day 1...


after that really positive, fun, reminissing, unexpected convo last night............. i will let her contact me again.


I really don't knmow what to expect.

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hey foleno..thanks..i was feeling a little sad today but I thrive on these posts and I know IM NOT ALONE and I know NC is for the best so I will be ready for day 20.One day at a time...It takes a lot of effort to let go but I know I have to really do it because thats what real love is..and I know if I let go I can tell myself that I did it for love..I'll let love explain itself.( I dont know if that made sense!)

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Bostoneric,your story touched my heart and I feel for you because I moved from another town to be close to my now EX.yours was probably harder.

Mine was 3 and a half years and when I moved here his family was my family.

I think you had so much love in you that you 'dropped your life" in boston to be with her and then break up.I know how you felt about being unhappy with the circumstances and feel helpless because all you wanted was to be with her.I just cant believe she couldnt appreciate that.Sometimes we need to go through such pain so we can set our priorities straight.I left too because I felt the need to grow up not because I did not love him...I hope you find the strength to carry on regardless...

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I did NC for 3 days..then caved in sent her a text message. She didn't even reply back. I was heartbroken, torn apart.. Decided to go back to NC and continue NC for a while


Today is Day 2..


Finding it sooo hard..I dreamt about her last night and I wake up and reality bites knowing that she will never ever come back, that I can never hear her voice again..


I miss her a lot. If only she'd send a msg saying Hi, I'd have been sooo happy. Looks like she's happy getting back to her ex bf...


I have just been thinking about her and and the good times that we've had! I feel like a zombie these days..just doing daily chores but she's constantly there in the back of my mind..why can't she just come back!!!


Why is it soooo hard forgetting someone!! and how can they forget us sooo easily and move on!!! Life's soooo unfair!!!

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thanks so much for understanding....


I couldnt agree more about she really didnt take any stock into me "dropping my life" to start a family..

I tried really hard to express how much of a commitment that was from me.


anyways today is day 1 again of NC.... we'll see how it goes..



Bostoneric,your story touched my heart and I feel for you because I moved from another town to be close to my now EX.yours was probably harder.

Mine was 3 and a half years and when I moved here his family was my family.

I think you had so much love in you that you 'dropped your life" in boston to be with her and then break up.I know how you felt about being unhappy with the circumstances and feel helpless because all you wanted was to be with her.I just cant believe she couldnt appreciate that.Sometimes we need to go through such pain so we can set our priorities straight.I left too because I felt the need to grow up not because I did not love him...I hope you find the strength to carry on regardless...

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I have been thinking of sending my ex a card, just saying have a happy holiday and maybe another sentence. But I also know this is crazy. I really believe my ex will realize she loves me, but I guess I am crazy, I do love myself and have high values. It was very easy to delete my ex phone and email. okay it was a hard couple of hours, but I really did not want her to think I was challengeing her decision to end the relationship. I might just be tricking myself, by thinking. I want her to know I still care. But she right now does not. I have been working on me, I actually nver stopped during the relationship I never let my values drop, but it also made me un availible and left her emotionally alone. Have not made a choce yet about the letter, I will keep loving me and let her be for now. i think it is day 15 maybe I am not really counting.

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DAY 21..


This forum has healed me in a lot of ways.I wish I knew about this before.

I found all the answers here.I found all of my strength here.I have so much respect for the people that are going through tough times because Ive been there and it wasnt easy if you dont have support.Now I wont be anxious anymore because now I know where to get advice when Im in trouble!

3 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I was really depressed and missing my ex in the morning. Feeling a lot better now.


I did some cleaning, talked to a lot of friends and went out of dinner. Like they say "Idle mind's a devil's workshop". Anytime I just sit doing nothing, I start missing my ex. I am really going to keep myself busy for the next couple of days!

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