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this is so true for me..all the times i blew up were either during or right after my visit..this is one good reason i stay on enotalone.at first i was kid of insecure if im the one behaving badly..but now i know im human as i read through the thread.I was starting to be suspicious that there's a possibility that im a nut,now i know im not! .wowowow..

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Last night ,i was so positive and happy and was getting excited just reading some if the stories here.I felt normal.I slept around 1am.I woke up an hour earlier than im supposed to and I was having an anxiety attack.

I was reliving everything with my eyes closed.How he came to may apartment and everything else that I did.With my eyes closed It was like watching a movie and I was looking for clues on why he just suddenly stopped talking to me again.I had to jump out of bed.On my knees I prayed to help me let go.

I had the urge but Im not doing it.Tears are falling. Day 2!

I'll just type what I want to say to him here.


Dear K, I love you so much.I know youre not mean.I know you love me.

Youre just as confused and scared like me.I wish I can find the right words without pushing you away again.God knows(and my mom) how much I love you.Please forgive me.Ive forgiven you.

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I was wondering if this was the best approach. Well I was a decent amount of uncaring in are relationship, and my ex has good reason not be with me. I think no contact would reinforce her belief I do not care about her and make her feel right. thanks and good luck to you guys

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Day 29, feeling better. Mainly because I worked a full day today, didn't have that much time to think about her. May God bless us all. Most of us here are NICE guys. That is the main reason for that we got dumped and it feels so hellish. The nicer you have been, the worse it will feel after dumping.

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Day 6


I flew back to S.F. today, after having spent time with family in L.A. I actually woke up in a very good mood, and it only got better from there. A very good friend of mine picked me up, we went to lunch, split a cupcake/brownie, and then dropped me off. I have dinner plans with her on Thurs.


As they say, as soon as you're really starting to move on, the ex will do something to reel you back in... I got home and there was a box from Amazon sitting on my doorstep. I'm thinking, "What did I order?" I open it, and it's a birthday present from my ex... It was sent to the address that she told me on the phone last week that she didn't have. *snicker*


The present is a John Wooden audio book... It's funny how she hated me going to UCLA bball games with my father or watching them, but now it's all gravy.


Here's what her card says;


"Dear Mike, Happy Birthday! I know you probably don't want to hear from me, but I still wanted to send you something to hopefully help you through this time. I'm truly sorry for everything. Maybe someday we can be friends. till then, mel"


More dangling bait in front of me... I won't bite. I felt numb for a couple seconds, and then I quickly got over it. I know she sent it to assuage her guilt for breaking up with me and for me to be guilted into keeping in contact with her (so she can tell me all about her "oh-so-wonderful" new guy). She's on her own now, and I'm truthfully moving on...



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Day 3... another note:


I thought she was done her stressfull school.. apprently not, shes' still doing her math crap like crazy.


Still garbage running through my mind about if she actually has a bf or not or if she said it to get a reaction.. ughhh

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Day 2 today


After texting him once in the morning to see what he wants and got a "nothing much" I went on complete NC..and he's been sending a few more scattered texts throughout the day and into the night. He sounds like he's regretting his decision, but then again, maybe not so.


His texts does not indicate anything in bold, underlined, capped, that he's sorry and wants to get back together. Continuing NC.


It's hard though..

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Another thing to add.


I had bought a trip to a ski resort for this next up coming weekend.. for our 6 month.. well it would be our 7 and a half now haha.. but yeah we were gonna go up there. And I had intended it to be a real good period to help fix our problems and continue forward. I can't get my money back


I never told her about the present..... it cost me alot...... ALOT. i had just gone to vegas a week before i bought this trip.

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Don't hope for too much out of this if you do go with your ex!

If you really do go with her, do not discuss about the relationship - just rest relax enjoy have fun.


If she doesn't know she's going, perhaps you could bring a friend in her place, if you don't feel comfortable with her going.

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Don't hope for too much out of this if you do go with your ex!

If you really do go with her, do not discuss about the relationship - just rest relax enjoy have fun.


If she doesn't know she's going, perhaps you could bring a friend in her place, if you don't feel comfortable with her going.


NO NO NO.. not going. im trying to get my money back! I had bought it back before she broke up with me.. it was a present for our 6 month and something to kick start our relationship. Not intamacy.. we had amazing intamacy.. but just general things IE arguments, etc. I feel dead


She doesn't even know i bought it.. to this day.

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Day 9.

The emotional rollercoaster is doing it's rollercoaster thing. I find it frustrating and infuriating that he hasn't tried to contact me. It's not something that I can expect but how do you just cut someone out of your life out of 3.5 years? I am a breakup novice that's for sure. Felt a little down last night but did my best to put it out of my head. I am doing well

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My ex said after a couple days "ignoring me"


what do you do then.


at the time i said "yeah im busy, its hard to talk to you sometimes" etc


What can she expect from you. To be all happy and geddy she is texting you. In my case, she choose him over me so I don;t owe her * * * * . For a while she wouldn;t have nothing to do with me but after a nice long NC, i think she realizes something and wants to talk. One day I will do some LC with her.


I dunno, I guess it;s all about how u feel about her. I guess keep it short and sweet.


I won;t try to talk to my ex until xmas time. I plan to send her something small but meaningful. Gonna be hard spending my first xmas with out her.

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