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New years I went to a party with some of my friends, it turns out my ex was at the same party. I had no idea he would be there, or else I wouldn't have gone. We had went out for a few years and it was an off and on relationship.


I guess what I have to say is that it totally brought back what I felt months ago, I'm sad and depressed now. I was doing sooo well, I was actually moving on really good I felt pretty much over him and now I'm sort of a mess. How did this happen? I was doing great. Now I feel extremely lonely, sad. ect.


It also didn't help that I saw him hug some girl. I dont know if they were just friends or what, I guess it doesn't really matter. I did say hi to him and asked how he was, ect. to be polite.


I feel like there's no one out there for me and that I'll never be able to trust someone again. Im beginning to see relationships as a waste of time.

I guess I just wanted to vent a little.

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Yeah I can totally see how that would hurt, seeing your ex when you weren't expecting it and seeing him hug some girl. Although it could have easily been just some friend you know. I broke up with my ex a month ago and I'm doing alright, but I don't think I could handle seeing him. Especially at some party if I wasn't expecting it. Did you find some other guy to flirt with at least ? lol..


Give another week or so with NC. You'll start to feel better again. And this relationship obviously wasn't meant to be if it was on and off.

You will find someone better for you, and so will I ! Good luck in the new year and hang in there!

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Cordelia is right, these bad feelings will all pass soon. You will sit down and ask yourself, "why am I feeling bad about this?" come up with no good explanation, and realize that you feel ok after all.


I think you will eventually find someone who you like and will trust them, but if you are feeling like relationships are a waste of time, take some time off from dating and grow a bit.

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