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Everything posted by kc2891

  1. New years I went to a party with some of my friends, it turns out my ex was at the same party. I had no idea he would be there, or else I wouldn't have gone. We had went out for a few years and it was an off and on relationship. I guess what I have to say is that it totally brought back what I felt months ago, I'm sad and depressed now. I was doing sooo well, I was actually moving on really good I felt pretty much over him and now I'm sort of a mess. How did this happen? I was doing great. Now I feel extremely lonely, sad. ect. It also didn't help that I saw him hug some girl. I dont know if they were just friends or what, I guess it doesn't really matter. I did say hi to him and asked how he was, ect. to be polite. I feel like there's no one out there for me and that I'll never be able to trust someone again. Im beginning to see relationships as a waste of time. I guess I just wanted to vent a little.
  2. Men usually do want more in a relationship at least from what I've experienced. That's what I dont get about the whole men/women friendship thing. I dunno, but then again I'm probably just a jealous woman.
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