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Glad we're past the holidays, but...

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I'm SO glad the holidays are over. Christmas was really difficult because I had just told my ex (she broke up with me about 3 weeks earlier) that we couldn't talk at all any more, and then of course New Year's was tough too, even though I did end up meeting a girl last night that ended up going REALLY well


Now though, I have another week of torture until I'm in the clear. My ex and I had been planning since June on going to New York City for several days, and were going to be getting there tomorrow, Tuesday (well, technically today). She is still going on the trip, and told me she would be taking her best friend with her. I know I shouldn't be worrying about it, but it's something that we had talked about weekly for the last 6 to 7 months, and we were both really excited because it would be our first time flying together, and my first time to NYC.


Oh well. Instead I'll be spending the next week trying to keep myself busy and not think about all the fun we were supposed to be having.


Oh, sidenote: Today was my 5th full day of NC. I'm proud I've kept it thus far, and I'm definitely not going to break it!

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Christmas was never made to torture you, its a time where we remember to bring love and light onto this earth.


You know life sometimes throws you a curveball, this is why you have to plan your future in a flexible way. Although its good to bring your life into calmer waters adding stability to your life and lifestyle. You always have to be prepared for that hurricane ,wether it will hit your life you don't know, but its better to be prepared for the storm then be taken by surprise.


That's the same reason why you should never go into a relationship expecting it to work out just because it concerns 'your case', reality is that a woman can pack her bags and leave any day.


You can only control yourself, and you can't hold somebody into custody in a relationship, you can only love them, and try to do those things that will keep them wanting to be near and with you. Namely bringing love and happyness into eachothers lives.


Im sorry your relationship with her didn't go that way in the way you wanted. You can only take the life lessons you learned from this into your next relationship. And try to prevent that such a thing will happen ever again.

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