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2nd Chance-Friend Realized Im the one....

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Ok so by now most of you guys know the story of me and my friend of 2 yrs who had a 4 month fling with major intimacy, than had it turn around bc of the ex trying to come back so resulted in NC for 3 weeks....


Well NC broke and we hung out to see what would happen...It was very awkward and silent for most of the time, we ate, we had some coffee, than out of no where shared a very intense kiss, where she even jumped over her center console to finish it off....


Got an email later that night explaining how she has realized what I am to her and that words cant express her apologies to me for all the inconsistancy in the 4mos...she thanked me for the 2nd chance even though she explains she didnt deserve it and will show me from here on in how she feels by actions this time bc she doesnt want to lose me


Also got an email on new years eve from her looking back on the 2yrs we've known eachother explainning how im the closest person in her life and she wants to be by my side through it all now..etc...


Fast forward to the events on New Years we werent gonna hang out bc we are kinda far apart right now...anyway she had plans fall through as did i but last minute got invited to party, she wanted me to let her know my plans so maybe her and her friends could come, end result i got somewhat drunk had a good time but never got back to her, and never got a new years call or text from her at all that night....


Somewhat confused now bc i havent heard from her at all in anyway and starting to get worried alittle...duno if maybe she ran into her ex or hung out with him instead if no plans or is she is mad at me either way i feel that feeling inside again like something isnt right, and i see to get that one more and more with her even after her coming back to me stronger than ever....

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Wouldn't worry , her kissing you is a good sign, look at her actions not at her words, if the body is moving towards you its a good sign, if the body goes away from you that's a bad sign, her kissing you is a move towards you, so you have nothing to worry about.


Just keep on pursueding her and go for gold. It might eventually give the reward you been waiting for.

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