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Yesterday I was sorting laundry in the bathroom and the dogs started barking. Went to the door and saw the neighbor walking back to his house with a bucket.


Last night I had to call the Sheriff b/c I heard shots fired in the neighborhood. Close enough that it scared me to death and I wondered if someone shot the dog outside. Patrol sent out.


This morning, I go out to walk the dogs and smell chemicals. Notice that the japanese maple is missing. Call neighbor and ask where my tree is. He has it, says my STBX told him he could come and get it. Ask about the chemicals. He denies knowing anything.


Call the Sheriff again to file a report. He says to call and get a TPO. Am waiting to hear back from them about it.


Sound like I am being paranoid?? Back in October I was in here in the office checking email and husband and D went to the store (so I thought). Next thing I know a deputy is at the door about shots fired in the neighborhood...all the neighbors think it is my husband. He denies. After the deputy leaves, he laughs and says it was him. He was apparently going to shoot the window out of the neighbor's car but decided instead to shoot their house.


So I am sitting in my livingroom waiting on the SO to call me back about the TPO. I hope to God this doesn't make it worse, though.

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If you have any shot shell casings from his gun lying around the house you can give them to police. Many times this is all they need for probable cause. Even if you have an unshot one of the specific caliber and the neighbors suspicions that can be enough. You don't have to give them to the police. Just set them on the porch and have the neighbor call to say that evidence is in open sight. No report nothing. But you should not be in fear. That is for dang sure.



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