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Please help me see sense

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I am still so emotional after two weeks apart from Richard...He's all I think about even though he broke my heart in such a cruel and nasty way. I want to text him.. try to reason with him, I know there is no point... I want to hurt him, not physically but emotionally, you see he left me to go back to his married lover. How bad does that make me feel, she is not even available to have..I have threatened to go see her. Am I turning into a crazed woman?? Why do i feel like this. i am a kind caring sensitive woman. It is so unlike me to have such bad feelings. I am at my lowest point ever and I can't seem to snap out of it...

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If it is unlike you than it's best to accept this "crazed" emotional state is a choice you are making. Perhaps your mind and body are giving you some much-needed sympathy, because you have been wronged.

A certain level of these feelings is necessary - so you must let them go on.

However, you are right, contacting this woman is a poor choice. Trying to get back together with him is also a poor choice.

Crying, being angry, being hurt, feeling betrayed are all the right way to feel. It's only when we take action against others that those feelings get out of control.


Realize you may feel this way for awhile. It has been said that it takes however long the relationship took, to get over it.

Now the panic and misery might subside in a couple of weeks, but the feelings of betrayal and spite may not go away for much longer.

Accept this and you may find it going away quicker.


If you truly do not want to have the feelings, then forgiveness and acceptance are things to consider. Staying with a guy who wants a married woman makes no sense right? It doesn't "click" with you and your beliefs. thereforeeee, this guy has, in a BAD way, saved you some serious future disaster (cheating, abadoning).


I am sorry you did not get the closure you needed from this guy. Perhaps, after some time not contacting him, (I'd give it a straight week) you will be able to ask him the questions you need, without possibly making things worse. You are right - now is not the time. Go ahead and think hurtful things about him - just don't DO any of it, you see?


And stick with us here - be sure to write as you are getting through this week and feel your will slipping. We are always here for you. Also think about counseling if you feel worse and always depend on any friends and family who are encouraging to you.


Good luck and your feelings are justified.

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Two weeks is not a long time to get over someone. You're feeling perfectly normal feelings, of rage, anger, wanting to get back at him. And somehow this time of year magnifies it all, makes it worse.


But as the other posters say, he chose to carry on seeing a married woman. He is in for a world of pain there.


Be kind to yourself. Plan things to do - no matter how small, so that you are out and about. Go out with friends, go to a movie, pamper yourself, go for walks, to an art gallery etc. Draw up a list of things to do, and make yourself do them. Keep busy. Call on friends to support you.


This WILL pass. It feels lousy now, but it will ease. He is so not worth your time or pain.

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