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childhood dreams

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Because society conditions little girls into believing that their life will end in a fairytale.


well put... I honestly don't know any of my friends who HAVENT planned their wedding...or at least have a good idea of what they want...


It's those stupid disney movies (which I adore, dont get me wrong)

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Why is is that women plan thier dream wedding with thier dream man from a young age?


What women? Do you like, know and asked ALL WOMEN already?


I´m sorry but I hate generalizations.


I was never like that and even now, in my 20's I couldn´t care less about a "dream wedding with my dream man".

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What women? Do you like, know and asked ALL WOMEN already?


I´m sorry but I hate generalizations.


I was never like that and even now, in my 20's I couldn´t care less about a "dream wedding with my dream man".


Right on, just what I wanted to say, but left it up to someone to mention it. Oh well, stereotyping and generalizations unless you educate yourself that is. Some people are like you described while others are not.



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I think it had something to do with the fact that in most cases (I would hope all!) you see a bride on her wedding day, and she's the happiest she's ever been.


For me, it's kind of the same as seeing people graduate, or have a child, in most cases (I say most, don't want to generalise too much) they are just SO happy.


I like to imagine what my wedding day is going to be like. I used to walk around my Uni during our graduation ceremonies and see people in their gowns and think 'I'm working so hard to get this degree, I can't wait till that's me'. And while I'm not saying the same thing about my wedding (the working hard bit!) , I still think 'Geez, the thought of standing in front of the ones I love the most and saying to my partner 'Let's be together forever' well, that's a pretty nice notion.

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Erm, I didn't.


I only started thinking about my wedding when I met the person I believe to this day that I want to marry. And it didn't take me long to figure out that I want less than 10 people to attend, and guess what..I don't want to wear a dress. I don't want the ceremony, I want to commit myself to someone and spend a nice portion of my life in a mutually beneficial relationship.


My family never gave me any fairytale notions. My mother and father, despite being stable for 27 years in matrimony, are realists. My father actually always advised me AGAINST getting married saying it was unecessary and unrealistic and so forth, but ultimately he'd happily bless whatever I wanted to do.

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Are you talking about Barbie?


I mean, a woman whose highest moment in life is a wedding, needs some MAJOR MAJOR soul searching. And therapy and prozac perhaps.



Ha ha. That's good And reading back my post I can see what you're saying. But still, I stand by my argument. I have a good job, and 2 degrees, a nice car, and I worked hard to get them. But family, friends and relationship moments are always going to be up there for me.

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why are you been so bitter babycarrot? it's just a question for those who choose to awnser it. dont shut them down for awnsering.



Because you are (ehem) G-E-N-E-R-A-L-I-Z-I-N-G and stating the whole womanity think like that... "why is that all women do this and this..."


I just don´t think so Confuzed Boy.

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