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So the GF and I are done...

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Just broke up with her today, there were some things that I felt she was hiding about her past (And don't get me wrong, I believe everyone is entitled to secrets) but it circled around her sexual past and I don't want to be hurt again.


Feel like crap, which is natural. Also feel a strong attraction to another female friend, which I knew would happen. Thing is, didn't know it would be the one I am focused on.


However, should have seen it coming.


My friend, let's call her... Aly. Aly went with my ex and I to a Winterball Dance, her mom paid for our dinner and everything. While we were there, Aly had no partner to dance with. So, being a gentleman, and to at least give something back for dinner... I danced with Aly.


Now, it felt better having Aly in my arms while we danced because I guess she wanted to be with me. Felt better than having my ex in my arms.


I'm pretty much just writing my feelings down at this point... but my main question is...


Ever broken up with someone, then found that someone was waiting for you even though you didn't realize it? In my case, even though they danced with you and you felt so happy just to be holding them?

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Perhaps its because I am slightly intoxicated, but... the way you wrote that was like poetry to me. Incredible to read, and brought me a million images and made me create a movie in my head.


I think no one waits for us. You chose based off of actions. Do what you think is best for you at the moment in time. The future will come.

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I'm curious why something from your ex's sexual past- which doesn't have anything to do with you and, aside from health reasons should be her perogative if she chooses to keep that in the past, would be a reason to break up with her.


And then you mention holding this other girl in your arms recently and it feeling so good...


I am wondering if your breakup is more the result of curiosity about Ally and boredom with your ex, and the sexual secrets from your ex's past are a convenient reason to break up so you can explore your options with Ally.


Am I way off base here?

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well, i think it's about time you broke up with her. well, this is like, the 5th time you guys have broken up? it is very on again/off again. it seems that there are too many issues between you two to make things work. i think it is best you find someone you are more compatible with.


good luck

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Haven't been on in a while... Well, the only reason it was X-mas day was because she wouldn't quit yelling at me that day and so I said I'd had enough...


Hope - Don't know how to write it, but I just want to be safe, there were far to many holes in the story she told me... too fishy... Maybe I'm just paranoid because I've had my trust shattered over and over again throughout my short lifetime... And don't think of that I'm not bored with my ex, just she kept yelling at me, treating me like her emotional punching bag/scratching post... and I don't need that. She acted like she didn't want to be there at that dance, and if she did, not with me.


Annie - I know, I know. Quit yellin at me. lol. Oh, and twinkies are bad for you... but they're so damn awesome!


I told her maybe by thinking about it, by maturing up and seeing what's slipping away... she might keep me. But I've gone back to her 4 times now and it's been the same everytime...


So the ultimate question is... Stay and risk being hurt again, or go and find someone who might make me happy?

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So the ultimate question is... Stay and risk being hurt again, or go and find someone who might make me happy?


ha. ok, I will try not to yell.


my perspective is this: you are young, still in high school, and there are so many fish in the sea, as the saying goes. i think that there are many more women out there that you will be far more compatible with. Life is filled with enough pain and frustration (cancer, taxes, etc....) A relationship should make you happy, not make you more stressed out and worried. If you find that someone is causing you more stress than happiness, especially when you are so young and not married to them, you should find someone else. someone whose values are more aligned with your own, someone you can trust and someone who makes you smile more than they make you upset.

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Yeah, I guess... Just goping to be hard as hell when I see her again...



Oh... and to Boughs - I've been told by many people, that they can see me wielding the political sword... then turn around and be laying down with the poetic flower so to speak... so maybe it wasn't just because you were drunk

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