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Okay soooo I had been going four days strong with no contact. (this is very good for me). Simply, 5 days ago, he broke up with me after 3 years saying that he didnt "feel the same way about me." today, thinking it would be such a great idea, because hey 4 days of not talking to me must have changed his mind right? wrong.


i texted him saying, "if your sure this is what u want, tell me. just one last time." and he said yes, im sorry blah blah blah. then ten minutes later merry christmas. then of course i totally blow EVERY ounce of pride that i had and start mercilessly telling him i know were in love and we can make this work blah blah blah. he says "its over", i call. oh my can you see the downhill of it all? he doesnt pick up, i call back he has TURNED OFF his phone. now please. i am not a psycho. i dont call call call. i havent called him for four days. he broke up with me OVER the phone, i mean doesnt he owe me more than this? its so frustrating to be made to feel like i am overreacting!!! and now i just feel like even more crap than i did to begin with...and it's christmas


wow i just feel so alone. do i just go total NC? my sister changed my password on facebook so i cant get on it and obsessively look at his page. i just feel.....so sad. i gave him everything i had. i feel like no one will ever want me again. i feel so abandoned.



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carebear, i exchanged the same words with my ex as well. this was 30 days ago almost now with no contact.


it is so hard, but you will get through it. i promise you. we all will. although life seems dark right now (i dont even have the energy to clean up this * * * *hole of a room) it will get alot better.


just try to keep busy... I know how many times you want to pick up that phone and call him, how much you miss him, the good times.


lots of love.

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First off, you are not psycho. Your heart is leading you right now, not your head. Coming at this time of year has got to make it just that much harder. If you can, put away all reminders of him. Hang out with friends and family that love you. It's OK to grieve, because grieving is part of the healing process.


NC is the best way to go. I have been apart from my ex for 5 months now, and I am still having a hard time. Primarily, because I just did not want to let go. She came back twice for 2 short periods of time, but it just made it worse, and harder to start healing. Try and remember that everything happens for a reason.


There are no words that are going to make you feel better today, but know that most of the people writing to you here have gone through, or are going through what you are. It's comforting to know that people do get through it.


Don't beat yourself up. You can and will get through it.

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