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Your Opinions on Being "Just Friends"??...


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It's your typical best friend relationship between a male and a female, but one starts to have feelings for the other and admits them, but the other doesn't want to go beyond friends because they're afraid of ruining the friendship. The friend who likes the other friend, respects their decision, but cannot help but have feelings for them. What's the person who is being liked to do?


So, yeah, my best guy friend, whom I've known for 7/8 years, but just gotten really close to in the last 2/3 years has feelings for me and lately he's been falling really hard for me, I make sure that we stay best friends because our friendship is amazing, even though everyone talks about our chemisty and how cute we'd look together, I still want to stay friends, but I know, I know, there's always that "what if" factor and how he could be the most amazing boyfriend ever, but I never tried, but I don't want to try. So I KNOW for a fact, that he's going to ask me out again, within a month....I hate letting him down everytime, but it's how I feel, what do I do about him?

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I hate to say it but from here on out your friendship is going to suffer but you have to be clear, let him know how you feel. Standing your ground might cause some resentment or even break your friendship but like Mitch said there is not much thats going to change his feelings for you.

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I recommend only dating people you can be friends with in the first place. Romantic relationships lacking friendship are pointless, at least in my experience.


Try not to be afraid of "ruining the friendship". It sounds like you 2 are really close so something like this wouldn't ruin that, although it might be awkward for a while if you do attempt a romantic relationship and it fails. However, if there are more reasons that you wouldn't want to be with him, I agree with everyone else: you need to be clear about it. Good luck!

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Being afraid of losing a great friendship is tough...


You may lose him anyway because of his feelings for you, there may come a time when he can't take being just your friend anymore and to stop the hurt he will choose to not be your friend anymore...


If you are that close, get along so great, and know each other so well I

don't see why you would not at least try and see what happens...


Makes no sense to me at all, if your only reason to reject him is you two are such good friends...Having my gf/wife being my best friend is what I want and would think what everybody wants...


Good luck in whatever you decide but I say give it a shot, you never know...



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