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one of those stupid "should I call him" posts

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I met a really great guy a couple weeks ago. Things have been going really great, we talk every single day for hours - he lives a couple hours out of town. He came out to visit once and he is coming out again next weekend. We really connect, and hes always happy to hear from me, or to talk to me. I really like him, and he feels the same way. He even called me his g/f the other day. If anything, maybe things are going too fast. I don't know.


Anyways, he called me Saturday before his Christmas party because "he missed me", and he said he would call back after the party unless it was too late. He said if it was too late he would call on Sunday. Well, no phone call today, and because I kinda suffer from anxiety, I'm feeling worried and anxious. I know he said he had a family get together this evening, but I just really want to talk to him. BUt i don't want to seem to clingy or needy by calling him. Argh. I don't know why I'm feeling like this. I can't sleep - I slept ALLL weekend... I woke up late (like around noon), had 3 hour naps during the day, and went to bed early (before midnight). I just feel so messed up right now.

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Blue Skittles,


Don't you hate it when they say they're going to call and then they don't? But, really, it could be for any number of reasons, so don't freak out just yet.


If I were you, I would not call. It's still only Sunday. Like you said, that could be seen as clingy and checking up on him. I would wait, and if you don't hear from him tomorrow, or the next few days, then call him to see what's up.


Good luck!

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Hmm, yeah, maybe you need to take some of the pressure off. I know it is exciting meeting someone new, but you should not be feeling so anxious and worried two weeks in!


Honestly, my advice is to NOT talk every single day for hours on the phone or MSN or whatever. It probably will fuel that neediness or anxiety, and is creating some dependencies early on it seems....not healthy! If you are talking for hours everyday, it means you are not doing other wonderful things you could be doing in those hours.....like seeing other friends, or pursuing other passions and hobbies...


It IS okay to go a day without talking to someone you know! It does not automatically mean they are not interested! Granted, he did say he would call unless it was too late, so maybe it was too late or whatever; who knows. I don't give him much credit for not following through; but I really think you also need to step back and look at this practically as hard as it is - mainly you should not get so worked up over someone you just met two weeks ago, even if you ARE very into him....

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Well, I'm trying not to freak out, I don't even know why I am. You are right, talking everyday is excessive, and you know I've done the stupidest things that I would NEVER EVER do for a guy!!! LIke pass up a free meal with a group of friends for helping move, I've been A LOT less focused on my work, even my friends say I've "disappeared on them", I even blew off my cousin the other day because he called. ARGH.... I never do this type of thing!! I think its time to start getting my life back again before its too late.

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