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I'm a hypocrite. And I can't possibly undo this to redeem myself.

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I love animals. Deeply. Or maybe not.


Cuz, I keep eating them.


A few days ago, at this sort of a grill, I begun to feel really sick seeing how they prepared the meat. It really hit me. That bloody mass in the plates once was alive, was this cute baby animal waiting to be slaughtered just for this jerks to have something to eat at a party.


Until now I guess I've been really cynical and careless about it. Just like everybody else. But not everybody is so touched by animals as I am.


I can't undo the fact I've ate lots of meat, ham, bacon, chicken, fish. And now is killing me. I'm going vegetarian now, but even if I do that, I'm still tainted. I already participated in the slaughter. ](*,) How to cope with this? I feel dirty. I feel like a murderer.



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Well, I was vegetarian for a good ten years, but I went back to eating a little meat about 4 years ago now (for a few different reasons, many of them at time related to my health as I was having a terrible time with my iron stores by that time even with supplements).


That does not mean I am not aware of where they come from; I went back actually after I had MORE knowledge of it in a weird way. I do however now make concerted effort to eat only meat raised organically and free range, most of my meat comes from my boyfriend's parents farm for example. Once I had a better understanding of how for me personally I could eat it, know where it came from and be thankful for it (I have a more aboriginal perspective when it comes to this, in using it and being grateful for it now - a perspective I inherited from learning more about that culture) I felt differently myself. But I know for a long time I was completely opposed to eating it for myself (I never was one to say what others should do though).



I still adore animals. I know that my friends whom are still vegetarian don't understand how I can have the two concepts, but I do, for me it works. Seeing people whom farm and do love their animals and care for them, but also depend on them for livelihood and be thankful for them brought be some sort of peace with it. I still am a bit proponent of humane farming practices, and am opposed to large operations and slaughter that do not care.


Sure you have eaten it, does not make you bad. You are choosing to not eat it now, so that is something. I can't tell you what will make you "feel better" but maybe just knowledge, or feeling you are doing something will. If for you that means not eating it, or if it means campaigning for more humane treatment, whatever works for you.

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You didn't ....there's no easy way to tell you this, but its useless to think you can make any kind of difference by not eating meat.


I was vegetarian for about...4 years? And I still don't eat red meat, but thats merely because I hate the taste and texture, not through moral reasoning.


If you eat it, you like it. Stopping eating it won't change a goshdarned thing on the planet, unless you become a fulltime ecowarrier and recruit hundreds in a campaign...you get me.


If it makes you feel better to not eat it/only eat organic meat, why not just do that? Nothing wrong with vegetarianism at all, the point I'm trying to make is its ridiculous to feel guilt over something that you have such a minute impact on, something thats already happened, etc etc etc.

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its useless to think you can make any kind of difference by not eating meat.


Stopping eating it won't change a goshdarned thing on the planet, unless you become a fulltime ecowarrier and recruit hundreds in a campaign...you get me.


I know the slaughter is not gonna stop just because I stop participating.


My issue is that I've been participating all this time.


Like, someone that ends up in war and kills a couple of dudes. Everybody says, no biggie, don't feel guilty, wars are gonna continue. But you're still a killer.

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You actually do more good switching over to eating meat raised in a more humane way, than by simply going vegetarian; reason being, the more profit that humane ranchers are seen to make, the more incentive other ranchers have to shift over to those methods.


I eat meat, but do not eat veal, duckling -- anything infant. Simply put, cows and chickens exist because we eat them. Cows are enormous free-grazing mammals. There wouldn't be big herds of happy cows wandering around N.A. if we weren't raising them for food; they'd be extinct. Same for chickens; they don't fly, and while they might exist in the wild, they would have to be protected by law. Until very recently, buffalo were thought to have been extinct due to overhunting; now there are buffalo farms -- because we eat them.


I was raised on a farm, and I believe that these animals have intelligence, feelings, and develop relationships with us and each other. However, nothing lives forever. No animal is spared death. But farm animals who are cared for, fed, and sheltered during their life span have a better existence than animals in the wild, and in most cases, it is their usefulness as a food source that protects their existence at all.

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I was raised on a farm, and I believe that these animals have intelligence, feelings, and develop relationships with us and each other. However, nothing lives forever.


Im sorry, but that's pretty cynicial and is more of a justification of the slaughter. Nothing lives forever, but that doesn't mean you have the right to end with it when you feel hungry.

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I know exactly what you mean... I did a report my senior year about animal cruelty in the food service.. it was seriously heartbreaking. I was a vegetarian for several years, but like other posters, realized it's not going to make a difference. So now, I only eat meat/eggs/dairy that is from a cruelty-free farm. I will admit though, I still feel horribly guilty when eating meat, thinking about the cows' adorable little faces (theyre my favorite animal ironically)...

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No offense, but some double morals towards this issue uh?


"Yah, I feel horrible but I still eat them. I just make sure they didn't suffered too much"


Pain or not pain, they're still dead and fried for your pleasure. So... painfully arrogant.


Yeah, I do agree with that...painfully arrogant..good way to put it... I really do feel bad though, as much of a hypocrite that makes me...

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"Im sorry, but that's pretty cynicial and is more of a justification of the slaughter. Nothing lives forever, but that doesn't mean you have the right to end with it when you feel hungry."


I don't think you really got what I was saying, but that's alright. I made a decision a long time ago about what I would and would not tolerate for myself -- I don't tell other people what they should do. I will wear leather shoes, for example; I'm assuming you won't. I will use cameras; I'm assuming you won't (photo emulsions use gelatin). I won't wear fur, of any kind -- that's an easy one -- and I try to use vegetable gelatin substitutes in all my medications, glues, etc. There's probably dozens of other examples of places that animal products are used in mass produced goods that I'm not aware of, and many people would feel justified in telling me that it's my responsibility to find out where, if I am to really adhere to my principles. Certainly if I were to tell other people how they should behave, I would agree with them.

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I think the way animals are raised and slaughtered these days says alot about our society.


It is natural for humans to eat animals. But previous cultures showed respect for the animals they ate. I know, baby carrot, it sounds stupid because in the end you're gonna fry him up and eat him. But it wasn't anything as barbaric as the way animals are raised today. We think that we have progressed as a collective humankind, but have we?

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But it wasn't anything as barbaric as the way animals are raised today. We think that we have progressed as a collective humankind, but have we?


In the beginning we were animals hunting a few other more stupid animals for eating. And it was OK, we were part of the food chain as well. The survival of the fittest was the rule. You ate a chicken, and you were also potential tiger breakfast. There was a balance.


Today, there's this sick mass production (yes, production) of animals just for they to be murdered in the name of gastronomy and pop culture. Is out of control. Is not natural and instinctive as it was in the beginning of times. There's no balance whatsoever.


We became the most powerful animal around, and we are abusing. And even worst, justifying the abuse. That's why I feel like barfing at this point. I've been part of that shameful misery for years, like a stupid zombie.


When have you seen an obese jaguar obsessed with eating zebra ribs? When have you seen a shark sticking something in his throath in order to vomit and then go and eat more fish? When have you seen a lion dying of a heart attack cuz their arteries are clogged, cuz he ate too much of something thru his whole life? When have you seen a cow, chicken, veil or duck with addictions and eating disorders?


And WE are the masters of the world?


Is survival of the sickest baby, survival of the sickest.

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My perspective on this is similiar to RayKay's. Very similiar, in fact.


I was a vegetarian by choice for 7 years. One year of vegan - just to say I could do it and learn something.


I've been around farms and participated in killings - both hands on and by association (by eating it). I've seen animals killed by grossly inhumane means, and with methods that show - in my humble opinion - an intense amount of compassion and wisdom.

I have hunted, trapped, fished. Never trophy or sport hunting/fishing: that I do not understand nor want to! I simply do not agree with it.




Just wanted to say a few things. If you feel passionately about this, and feel you will be making an important difference by going veg., then go for it. Tis a noble intention.

You will learn a lot whether you continue with it your entire life, or not.


Myself, I eat meat now. It is modest and balanced (most days) and I prefer to know where my food comes from. I do my best to choose ethically.

Also, for my health!


Keep in mind that it is a personal choice, and that there are valid alternate ways out there.

When I started really exploring this, I found a lot of Big Questions about life and the nature of the world, humanity popping up.


have fun in your adventures and watch your diet well. stay healthy.

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I mean....you'd equate killing a bunny to shooting a woman in a war zone then?!

I´m a woman. What exactly makes me more important than a bunny? Let´s see, we´re both made of flesh and bone, we´re both mammals, I come from a furry ape, he comes from a furry rat, we both are born, we eat, sleep, crap, f***, get sick, die and rotten. Oh yah, I forgot, just because I´m bigger, more vicious, contaminate more and have an ego and a job, I must be more important.



In other matter, you look really cute in that picture Anti Love Glad ur not gone after all.

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In my opinion, SHOCK!, yes, human beings should be more important - to other human beings!


Absolutely, I agree with ethical farming, and only eat free range meat. I don't think you realise how I'm on *your* side here - I won't even buy leather shoes, goshdarnit!


However, whilst I respect animals in the sense that I encourage/support free range farming etc, I will not place them above my life, or on a level to my life.


Animals and humans are just DIFFERENT. Sure they can feel pain and have emotion, sure they are flesh and blood and so forth, but you just can't compare like for like. I mean...you just can't, it seems absurd.


And I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't give your life to save a puppy, in a "its you or the puppy" scenario.

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In my opinion, SHOCK!, yes, human beings should be more important - to other human beings!

Yeah, I´m aware some of my point of views are pretty damn politically incorrect.


I will not place them above my life, or on a level to my life.

I do. I do believe life at any level is equally important. If you remember, people used to think only 60 years ago, that the black population were so not "on a level to their lives" and were close to be cattle or something. That changed. There is hope.


but you just can't compare like for like. I mean...you just can't, it seems absurd.

Of course it seems absurd. After all, we´re all trained to think like that since we are born. "You my sonny, are the king of the creation", "You are God´s mini me"... and so on. We humans are like the USA of the species, so good and powerful... and we better remain untouchable or there´s gonna be some major drama.


A human-centered world view only values other species by what they can do for us, or for "our children's children." We're collectively so centered on our own species that nothing matters except in relation to ourselves.


Yes, we are exceptional in many ways, but so are the other life forms we share this rare and wonderful place with.


And I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't give your life to save a puppy, in a "its you or the puppy" scenario.

Saddly, not yet. Hopefully one day I´ll manage to get over myself and my super sized ego. But my life is not more important than any puppy´s life, that´s for sure.

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I think you are sliiightly insane - well, to have an aspiration to put a puppy on a level with your own life.


Blacks...animals....no way. Black people are humans, THATS why those who persecuted were being stupid. Animals arn't.


I'm not politically correct either, and resent the implication that i'm a brainwashed little whatever. I am not. I have reached my conclusions based on watching animals/people etc.


I reckon we should just agree to disagree, we are obviuosly miles apart on this one.

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It is alright, we get conditioned in society to believe certain things are okay, but you have had a realisation with your higher self to show you what is right.

Don't judge yourself for your past ways. It is important to forgive yourself.

I held a baby lamb as a child that the old man stole from an abbotoir.

We fed it with a bottle.

Since then I have never touched meat again.

I too love animals, they are full of so much beauty and unconditional love.

Vegetarian cooking can be very healthy and quite exciting,

I won't touch any product I possibly can that has any relation to animal cruelty.

The body can function very well on good proper vegies.

Animals are for cuddling, and our companions not eating.

I will eat a free range egg from a happy chook but I feel sick at how people

exploit animals for money it is disgusting.

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I hate spiders. I like to kill them on purpose. I'm not being cynical but I don't understand your reasoning. Are you saying that if I purposely step on a spider to kill it, that is the SAME as killing a human being? ((You can substitute spider for anything you wish.))


Your logic is very flawed. Humans have a thing called sentience. The ability to think and reason. Animals do not have this. Sure, monkeys kind of look like us, and can hit each other with sticks... and we have bomb sniffing dogs and killer whales that can do tricks, but the bottom line is that animals and humans are DIFFERENT. Whether this is some trick of evolution, or it is a gift from God, (your choice) you cannot deny the fact that humans are different.


I'm going to go a little deeper into this, because I love to stir the pot. I think humans are more important than animals. I also think certain animals are more important than others. To me, monkeys are higher on the scale than snakes. Not only because they look cooler, but they are more intelligent. Dolphins are higher than lobsters. Eagles are higher than crows. Get my drift?


I love animals... I really do. I like my philosophy that certain animals are "higher" than others because it allows me to eat cows, fish, deer, and chickens without feeling guilty. But I would never eat monkey meat, or dog meat. Some creatures are just more majestic than others. You have to admit, you've probably killed dozens of mosquitoes or spiders on purpose. That makes you just as guilty as me! Oh, look inside your mouth. See those 4 pointy teeth? Guess what they're for...

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I just ate a deer meat sandwhich. It was a deer that my husbands uncle shot a week ago and it was slaughtered, and put into the freezer. My family will have deer meat for months now.


You may think that Im less of a person because I eat meat. Its been scientifically proven that us humans are meant to have meat in our diets. Sure, you can survive with only vegitables and lots of beans but I wouldnt want to do it.


I probally eat eggs almost daily. So is it that I shouldnt eat eggs either? It didnt hurt the hen when I ate her egg. Im sure she didnt give it a second thought.


People have a right to not eat meat and I will continue to do so, just as my family did before me. My family doesnt hunt for sport. What is killed is eaten. Rabbit meat is really good too. This meat is also healthier for me to eat too because it didnt come from a ranch where it would have hormones and things in it.

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They are teeth for grinding grains and vegies my mouth looks a bit different to a tigers or vampire bats.

We are higher than animals but only if we respect them and care for them otherwise we become less than animals (in terms of our behaviour)because we are behaving in a manner that is utterly depraved. Obviously we have to protect ourself from dangerous harm but usually a snake or spider will

buzz off if you holler at it.

To kill them just for spite or boredom is not nice ](*,)

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We are higher than animals but only if we respect them and care for them otherwise we become less than animals


Oh, absolutely. I eat what I catch or kill. I make coats and hats out of the fur, and use the bones to make spears. Just kidding on the last part.


To kill them just for spite or boredom is not nice

I live in a rural area and we have 2 species of spider that are fatal if they bite you. They are fairly common to find , too, so I just kill every one that I see. Some people say that if you kill spiders, you will have more insects around your house. It annoys me to no end. I mean come on! Each one eats like 2 flies a month, so it doesn't make a damn bit of difference!

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