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to people who have broken and stayed friends

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ok, so both of us are 15 and we went out for about a month then we broke up (duh)

but now we can hardly talk to each other,

when were around other people we can act like were ok,

but as soon as were alone she is making up excuses to get away

what i want to know is how long it took before you were able to take again,

and i feel like i should talk to her about it because when we broke up we told each other we wanted to stay best friends?

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it will take time.. my ex and I broke up in January of 2004, and we didnt have much contact until April of 2005 so well over a year and even then it was still very weird between us even though both of us had moved on and I had a baby just within the past 6 months have we been able to hang out aand act like nothing happened between us without one of us being weird about it. So give it time, yall are both are young it may take both of yal moving on to be able to be comfortable around one another dont rush it, k? Good Luck!


Oh, and btw who broke up with who?

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Your 15. Your immature, and she's immature..


If you want to be her friend, then make it obvious and let her know.


If she wants to be friends, she'll reciprocate the process..


But learn this young, and always remember it.


When a girl says no, you can't change her mind. Don't bother!

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Well, When i broke up with my Girl. We were talking the next day. I made it clear at the beggining of our relationship, that if we couldnt stay friends if our relationship didnt work. Then we shouldnt have a relationship to begin with. But thats me. Actualy every girl friend i have ever had a relationship with, i stay in contact i really believe it has to do with the way you break up.


Anyway I hope everything turns out good

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I broke up with my ex of 2.5 years earlier this year, and we were best friends. We'd had so much stuff planned together that we couldn't cancel, it meant we couldn't avoid each other. Literally, about 2 weeks after we broke up we had to go up to London together 3 times in one week, then later in the year go to Paris! That ended up being a lot better than I thought it could, we were really just friends. We've become friends now, but we won't ever be best friends again...too much happened. The real thing that settled things out again? He told me he's gay. I felt bad that I hadn't told him directly about my new boyfriend, whereas he told me himself that he was gay, so I e-mailed him and apologised about that, and we were able to talk to eah other about that, and then move onto friendship. It will be difficult to be close to anyone you have loved, but if you both try, then it can work.


Good luck!

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