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I think God just spoke to me

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These two are my favorite books. The second helps you reason through what faith is and what it creates. I hightly recommend it. It's what I live my life by.


Perhaps it was not God who was shown to you that day, but Man and man's power to deceive and manipulate. Man's ablility to choose wrong over right. I once heard that when we feel negative, we pull negative things to us. Yet, also, if we're innocent, we're more likely for the darkness to rain on us because the innocent are honest and vulnerable, just what the dark patterned energies of this world want to twist and twist and twist. This makes the light harder to see and there's a purpose to that. We're not here for just an easy, light free trial. We're here to discover we have the ability to turn negativity into positiveness- use your story to help others and that could be a God given purpose right there, for there are people who are abused by caregivers, teachers, or for young ones- peers. Try to survive in an impoverished country full of hate and crime. It is these things we have to change.


I suggest therapy for you. You are right to be angry, but at whom? The man, not the entire universe of God for that is just the sea of which we live in. The flow is left in everyone's hands. Know what I mean? I'm sorry you had to endure such a thing. I did too once- abuse of some form. I hope this man is still not in your life, and that you realize his soul must be a miserable state for him using God to pull in a weak, lonely heart. This happens in churches, in hospitals around the world- someone out there has to be greedy for something, and so, they corrupt something else. Or someone.


Life becomes more damaged if an individual allows bitterness to continue in their heart because soon they spread it, aware or unaware, they do to others they know or even don't know. That is not the way we must live or teach others to live. Life is confusing and random, and our emotions can copy this. However, life can also be influenced by our emotions because emotions lead to actions. I hope you find peace in therapy, but most of all, realize you must find it in yourself by yourself through heavy meditation and healthy expression and maybe someday, you will assign blame to this man and look no higher to where the blame should point. God has given us free will. Therein lies the danger- our own choices. No one is more dangerous than we are to ourselves, by the choices we make, by the thoughts we allow to grow deep within. The stars above, the trees, the grass are in movement with us and for us (scientists have said that the planets are aligned perfectly to protect earth from unsurvivable havoc or chaos within the universe- the likeliness of design in that case is very high and very sought to understand). I've once heard that God will protect us, but not from things we can ultimately handle. That, He will only help us through. I doubt you are convinced. Even that will take time.

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I hear what you say and I thank you for your reply. I envy your faith - ironically I believe if I had that I would not feel the way I do. I wouldn't need therapy. My Christian friends told me that if you ask God to come to you and you confess your sins he will - and I believe that if he exists he will - and not necessarily in a way that I would expect. I acknowledge that I should not judge God by the actions of people - yet I find it hard to make sense of my life because I have never had any visions or been spoken to, so I have to make sense of my life through the people I speak with and the things i read. So many people believe so many different things it is difficult to make sense of them all. I am English. Ironically I left my country partly because it has lost touch with spirituality - I like Poland because of the spiritual energy that exists between people. My family, school and community were mostly atheist - a position which I feel to be arrogant and as problematic to society as any kind of fundamentalism. Neither do I reject God because of the suffering in this world. But I am angry. I began to question my beliefs during the time I have spent in this country - both good things and bad - I could never explain in writing but certain course of events it FELT as if things were put there for me, as if some kind of intervention was going on. I started to feel things; to care for people in I way I had never before been able... I don't know how to work out what God is. If it was as simple as 'choosing' to have faith, I would. However I have spoken to too many people and read too many things that fill me with too much skepticism. It is difficult to explain simply by writing down or talking about what happened. But I went on the top of a mountain on Christmas eve and talked to God - I confessed; thanked him for the things I had been given and asked him to show me how to believe. What happened next undermined this in as dramatic a way as my previous positive feelings...whatever the explanation is I am now left feeling more empty than I ever did before.


I do not share your faith, but it was wrong of me to try and undermine it because of jealousy and anger, and I thank you very much for your reply. I am a humanist. I believe in the fundamental goodness of all people. I don't think anyone is 'born evil' and I am not angry with people who have treated me badly in my life - I also treat people badly sometimes. I am angry because I feel so alone and empty.


I don't mean to sound patronising but I noticed that you are only 16. I am nearly 30. I think you write wisely and thoughtfully. It does help me to read what you wrote and I wish you all the best x

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I am happy to see that you have such stong faith at such a young age. I pray that you will keep the faith and do not let the presures of this world get to you. Stay strong in your faith pray the prayer that Jesus gave to us!

It makes me so happy to see that you are so full of life!!

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"The habit of holding back- it plagues and confines us to shallow goals, and wants." can you expand on that alittle for me? =T


your signature...little soul and the sun, have you read conversations with god? its by the same author. i came to this forum to ask something then saw the title of ur thread and it caught my attention. god has spoken to me too, but i had a little help =/

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One of the reasons why I wasn't hearing the voice of God was due to my lack of prayer. I stopped praying. Obviously if you stop talking to someone, they will eventually cut contact with you, too.


So I've started praying again. It's very calming.


The scriptures say, "Draw nigh unto God, and He will draw nigh unto you." So there we have it. lol

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"The habit of holding back- it plagues and confines us to shallow goals, and wants." can you expand on that alittle for me? =T


your signature...little soul and the sun, have you read conversations with god? its by the same author. i came to this forum to ask something then saw the title of ur thread and it caught my attention. god has spoken to me too, but i had a little help =/


I think I meant holding back from expressing ourselves, our opinions, our struggles to the world around us, to the people in our everyday lives. Expression is where innovative thought and solutions in society come from. Conversations become without substance if without real expression, and so moments less meaningness. We have everything we need inside us to make a moment meaningful. Conversations without substance= less of a life around us with substance, because it feels less of a meaningful life. Our choices then also become less meaningful. Though, not every time...


I read Conversations with God. I find it just okay, but a long time a go, it opened my eyes up to a different way of living- just with goodness, and I felt I had an understanding of the world that was easier on me than before. It was very healing.

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Have you ever seen an Interview with God? Turn on your speakers......

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Yes, I first saw this when I was thirteen. It's cool that it's still circulating among people online. It's very poetic, though there are exceptions I think to some things it says.

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One of the reasons why I wasn't hearing the voice of God was due to my lack of prayer. I stopped praying. Obviously if you stop talking to someone, they will eventually cut contact with you, too.


So I've started praying again. It's very calming.


The scriptures say, "Draw nigh unto God, and He will draw nigh unto you." So there we have it. lol


Sometimes I have trouble praying. Like, something blocks me even if nothing is distracting me. Sometimes it's hard to pray. But if I say, "God, help" I know that force recognizes my call whatever the force of God truly may be in context of our everyday lives. And with that knowledge, I hold on.

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I am happy to see that you have such stong faith at such a young age. I pray that you will keep the faith and do not let the presures of this world get to you. Stay strong in your faith pray the prayer that Jesus gave to us!

It makes me so happy to see that you are so full of life!!


It's not a strong faith, it's a strong will to choose faith each time over time as the years go by. I don't understand everything yet. My faith comes and goes like the wind everyday with my moods and my depression. But I fight to hold on to it, because only with faith am I happy. It gives me a deeper kind of joy, the "I'm realizing I'm alive!" type of joy where I can go outside and stare at the trees in the dark of night and then at the sky where I feel alone with the universe. In that moment, I want to learn. I want to be everything I can be. I want to fulfill my potential inside of this world.

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