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want her back and for good!!!!!

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hey all,,

im stuck i could really use some advice...

ok here goes....


i split up with my ex 5 months ago , we have been doin long distance for over three years ,, she is the love of my life last year she cheated on me with her ex bf and confronted me and after so much guilt i forgave her and we got back... only for a fe months until then again she leaves claiming she wants to be alone... she has contacted me 4 times in the past four months all of which saying she loves me so much and misses everythin in us but is not ready to be in a relationship(no idea why!!) in 5 days we are going to be in the same country and im assuming she wil try to see me but she keeps playing these games i have done evrythin for this person and i want her in my life for good !!! she has flipped moods recently acting like im a stranger and i have no idea how to get her back!!! and i am scared to see her... not knowing the outcome.... she keeps flipping one day love and one day no !!


its just too complicated we were toooo much in love and families are involved she has even told everyone that she would want to get married but i feel its all talk she says it but at the moment she wants to be alone... i feel im losing her more and more(plaaazz for anyone out there the more advice i get the better i would like to reach many opinions before i conclude my decision...) i havent done anything in 5 months only thinkin about her.....

it would mean alot to me

thank you in advance !!!




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she has flipped moods recently acting like im a stranger and i have no idea how to get her back!!! and i am scared to see her... not knowing the outcome.... she keeps flipping one day love and one day no !!





Let her go.


Seriously. There is nothing you can do to get her back. The only thing you can do is drive her further away by trying. Hang back. Let her come to you. When she does, play it cool and act like you aren't that excited to hear from her and have a lot going on right now. Make her work for it.


And also, ask yourself why you want to be with someone who treats you like this and cheats on you. Does that really make you happy?

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OK, you know how you are acting right now? Act the opposite of that. Act like you don't care if she stays or not, and mean it, and then she just might stick around. If you fall to the ground kissing the steps she has walked in, she will walk right over you on her way back to another guy...again.


But seriously....she sounds like a bad egg to me.

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