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If someone gives you the NO CONTACT = DO IT.

It hurts, you hurt, but it’s there and you will live thru it.

So if you respect, care, or even love that person you MUST grant their wish.

Even though you hurt like hell, it’s what must be done.

Do it for and from your love.

If you get back together great.

If not then it was not meant to be.

You use this time to find and work on yourself, that is what they are doing.

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And don't forget that time mends everything



Time only heals when you willing to let go. If you don't try to move, then time will do nothing for you, but prolong your longing and frustration and depression. Just ask those who've been years removed from their ex and they are still pining over them. NC is only useful when YOU are will to put in the work to go THROUGH the pain. Not just to get over it. Eventhough breakups hurt like hell, you've got to be able to let the pain in and ride the wave and then do something about moving forward. As everyone mentions here, take up a new hobby or resume old ones. Hang out with friends, talk to a counseler, etc. But KNOW that YOU MUST MOVE FORWARD and move forward in the vain that they, your ex, is NOT coming back. NC is for YOU, NOT your ex.


I'm at day 39 of NC and I'm moving along!

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Note: If your counting the time since you last brokeup, you are not moving on.


* Not saying you are tribeca. I mean for people that are counting every single day.



I understand, but trust me, I have moved on. I'm only counting because I've broken NC a few times and this is a record for me. This is a reminder to myself and others that NC can be done successfully. So I'm staying the course...

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