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help with ouija board

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I am seeking help for the use of my ouija board and perhaps anyone can be of some assistance. Several of my friends and I recently bought a Ouija board. we tried a few times sitting outside by a fire pit late at night. We would first clear our minds and get anything we needed to off our chest so we'd be cleare of our thoughts and to be as receptive as possible to spirits. We took turns asking question and touching the triangle but little movement occurred. twice it moved down to the letter "n" but nothing more. I wonder if anyone knows what we have been doing wrong and if anyone can help us in any way it would be appreciated. thank you.


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Reading this I am wondering if you have just placed this here to see what sort of reaction you will get. I am not against what you are doing because that is not what eNotalone is here for, but it does seem a strange request


I personally no nothing of these types of boards and actually have no interest in them, save for that I feel that where the unknown is concerned sometimes it is best left well alone. Too, I have to wonder why you feel the need to find out any information from those that have passed away that you cannot get from those that are living.


Whatever you do, take care and look after yourselves

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I am with Sabena on this. Something to remember is that when you invite things in of which you have no knowledge, you take a very high risk.


Once you invite something into yourself like that, how do you think you can shake it off if it ends up being unwanted?


Be careful of what you ask for and seek. I believe there are just as many bad spirits as there is good. How do you filter that?


Take care, and be careful.


Just MY opinion ;-)



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I used a Ouija board many years ago and was contacted by what we thought was a man who'd hung himself on my property. (That's what he told us.) He caused a lot of poltergeist activity around my house afterward. He also scared the crap out of my other friends who had been doing the Ouija board with me. He would come to them in the middle of the night as a silhouette in the doorway. When they called for their parents, their parents either couldn't hear them yelling, or just "physically couldn't get up." Also, we all became ill at the same time, the day after he said he was going to harm us.

15 years later, and long after figuring out how to keep him at bay, I found out that it was the spirit of a boy who, he thought, was just playing and giving us what we wanted (to be scared and excited about the experience). So, what I'm trying to say is, even if you luck out and get someone who doesn't intend harm, it can still cause problems that last a very long time.

Ouija boards, in my opinion, shouldn't be sold as a "game." You can have serious problems getting rid of something/someone who comes through. Ouija boards are portals through which ANYTHING can come. The spirit can tell you what you want to hear, but be something/someone completely different. I would be thankful that you haven't had any huge connection and hope that you haven't let something through.

If you insist on continuing, please find someone who has some knowledge about using the board and who knows how to protect themselves and you.


.S. Watch the movie "Witchboard" if you can find it. It's a little extreem, but the point of the movie is a good one

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Some people have to learn the hard way about things like this. They think they can handle what will come about with something like this. Hell is real and evil is even more realistic. I would throw that damn board away and stop trying to invite things like that into my house. If you want to be scared and excited you need to rent the movie the "RING" I guarantee you that will give you just the wet pants you need. I also suggest you watching this movie so you can see just how scary and evil some intities can be. The Devil is not a joke, evil is not funny, and playing around with evil is honestly not fun. You never know just what you are going to get. I wouldnt tell you this to scare you , i'm telling you this to help you before you end up inviting something that wont go away. Usually when I would hear storied about these boards I would think people were just trying to scare me, but when my Father and Mother who I trust told me the truth about what happened to the two of them..I was no longer interested in that stupid game!

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I can accept the fun nature of this....but time for a little reality.


This is BOARD GAME. It is made in a factory along with games like life and checkers. Unless the factory has some spiritual powers, then this is meant to be a GAME.


If you have the power to call spirits, it will have NOTHING to do with this board. The board is one in millions, made to make someone money.

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I agree.. it IS sold as a "board game".. However! It is a tool for focusing energy and intent.. just as tarot cards are sold for divination purposes. It will work for some, and not for others, but in and of itself has the POTENTIAL to bring trouble your way. As a Wiccan, I can tell you from experience that even if it was only a candle that you focused upon, you could call forth spirits/energies. The thing is.. a candle burns away. A Ouija board doesn't. Once you "open" it by focusing your energy on it, it retains some, if not all, of that energy. Make sense?

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Hello da_fish3!


As some users said before, ouija is just a game, however, we can't deny that strange things have happened after playing with ouija boards.

Then, I agree with Sabena: I think you shouldn't mess with what you don't understand, specially if you know it can be dangerous or harmful.

If I were you, I would stop messing with ouija boards.

It is just my opinion, you should do what you think it's best

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Agreed again.....I've never known anyone who's invited bad spirits from a Ouija board, but there are definitely bad spirits out there. My fiancee to this day will NOT tell me what happened to him in Florida, only that the place he was living in apparently had them and caused him and his wife and children to run eventually, because things got so bad. He said it was like "Poltergeist" with weirder twists. Never having seen such things myself, I have a hard time believing it....but his mother backs him up on this and I only have to look at his face going white when he speaks of it to believe him. And yes, the board is made as a game, but it's a game with a DOORWAY. one that can't be shut, to my knowledge. Someone else said to watch "Witchboard".....I agree. Don't mess with things you know next to nothing about, if you're not prepared to live with the possible consequences!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I may be wrong, but my impression, from what I've read above and heard elsewhere, is that this activity gets its power not from the board, but from your mutual agreement to participate. This is a form of covenant, which, when properly understood, is a very solemn and serious matter. Before you were sent to be born into the body you now inhabit, which is created in the image of your Father in Heaven, you covenanted with him to care for it and to obey the still, small voice of His communications to you.


I suspect that if your game activity went nowhere, it is because all of you, or at least some in the group, were well-enough connected to your bodies that dark spirits could not exert influence over them. Entities of light and truth do not participate in things that are dark, secretive, or hidden. Your bodies were sufficiently unpolluted that your own eternal spirits held control.


Such being the case, the easiest way to make the game work is to disrespect your body, disconnect from it, defile it. This is the power, and the danger, of smoking, drinking, drugs, illicit sex, violent movies, pornography, etc. The adversary can only exert control over you if you weaken yourself through your own poor choices.


I think you can tell I don't recommend this.

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  • 1 month later...

"save for that I feel that where the unknown is concerned sometimes it is best left well alone."


It is people like you who keep humans in the dark ages for Centuries.

EVERYTHING that is unknown to us should be explored to there fullest extent and we should never stop until the whole truth is unveiled... NEVER stop asking questions and never stop learning and experiencing new things... if there are Spirits out there already... then what does it hurt to prove it to everybody?? They all going to get mad at us?? I highly doubt it. Knowledge is the power that makes us human and sends us forward on new plains of being and exhistance. If not for knowledge and trying things that are unknown, we would still be burning "witches" and "warlocks" at the stake. Open your eyes and cast out your fear, and the knowledge will inlighten you.

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  • 1 month later...

ah the beloved Ouija I honestly don't know if there is a right or wrong way to use it i have used it a few times with my sister and all we did was relax and ask it a question and it answered I love it cept the fact all i have learned from it is that sometimes the dead have no manners of respect and most of them are a bunch of liars but you can get some emotions out of them as when my sister upset on enough that she/he blew a fuse from a brand new light bulbs i've done it myself and nothing has tipped over hunted me or anything like that i'm not a professional so i'm not going to tell you anything that i don't know for sure just to have fun you only live

Physicaly once 8)



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