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whens the right moment?

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ok, i gotta go study for my algrebra test, so ill make this short. the girl that i reallllllllly like, on saturday, we're going to the movies together. how can i tell her that i like her, and how do i know when to do it? like when we talk, she gives me mixed signals, one day, i'd think she likes me, the next, she doesnt, and so forth.

we're 9th graders in high school

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Ummm...You don't tell her that. She accepted to go to the movies...alone with you right?...well then that's proof enough. Take it from me, don't tell her you like her...just talk and flirt like hell, if she's touching you or flirting back it's all good. Sometime into the night try and hold her hand(not too early)..if she lets you great you're doing well(but don't hold it all night and be clingy). Then...as long as things are going well, if you feel confident enough you could try for a quick kiss at the end of the night when you take her home...just depends, don't force anything though. Have fun, and stop stressing.

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ok, i gotta go study for my algrebra test, so ill make this short. the girl that i reallllllllly like, on saturday, we're going to the movies together. how can i tell her that i like her, and how do i know when to do it? like when we talk, she gives me mixed signals, one day, i'd think she likes me, the next, she doesnt, and so forth.

we're 9th graders in high school


I'd say "Hey bebe hows about you and me get bizzy?"



NO NO NO Im just messing with you...although it has worked in the past


Both of you are in the ninth grade, games like that will be played. Shel likes you so just play it cool, listen to her when she talks, smile and enjoy the date. Let her decide the next move after you show her a nice time, GOOD LUCK!

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you should tell her straightaway ,please do not take the same path as me.


i got a best female friends in my university but when i told her that i love her and ask wheather i got a chance or not , she replied that she was so used to be with me like friends and hope to be friends forever , it did break my heart .now , even we meet again , the feeling is almost like a stranger,


i am so regret that i did not tell her when i 1st time meet her .

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don't overwhelm her. flirt, but don't be too touchy feely. give compliments but don't take them too far. tell her she looks really nice, but not only that... tell her WHY you think she looks nice (i.e.: something about her outfit, hair, makeup, jewelry). don't go "ummm i like that ummm thing that's in your hair". say "i really like that necklace". girls eat that up. at the end of the date... go for a kiss on the cheek or forehead and let it end there.

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