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I do this. It's not to play games or anything like that. I just don't see the point in dating a guy a few times and calling him my "boyfriend". I want to see what is out there so that I make the right decision, and dont pick the wrong guy just so that I'm not alone (a lot of people do this, by the way, and it's sad because then they end up miserable).


I don't lie or mislead them, I will let them know that I am not ready just yet to be exclusive and/or that I'm dating other people as well. That way, if I do choose someone and he chooses me back, I know it's because I saw what else was out there, and picked someone really special

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why do some women date more than one guy at once? whats the psychology behind it? do they really expect to find a decent guy or is it some kind of power trip trying to search for the best guy ? very confusing to me


Umm...why...there's nothing wrong with it...that's why. I've dated more than one girl at once...as long as there's no set *relationship* you don't own her. She is free to date whoever she pleases and choose who she pleases if she wants to, or she can keep dating you all and stay single...personally that's the easiest way, relationships arent easy. Just as well though, you are allowed to date others too...don't start thinking exclusively from the first date...never think that way.

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