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Forget about a girl? Or not?

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There's this sweet girl out there that I can't stop thinking about. I've known her only for a couple of months and I asked her out 3 times, but she always kept saying she's busy. So I tried forgetting about her and not talking to her / seeing her for a few days. She asked me on AIM one day if I was mad at her and I told her that I was (as in past). She asked me why and I told her because she always says that she's busy. She got really mad at told me that she WAS BUSY and she can't just around with people because her brother just came from Iraq (he's in the army). Then I got all emotional and wrote some really stupid crap about myself and sent it to her. Over 2 weeks flew by since then with no word and I still see her every day. She pretends that I don't exist. Awkward. I tried coming up to her a few times but I never did it. I'm too scared. I'd like to forget about her but I can't do it. And I would like to ask her out again knowing that she's not into me anyways. It's been like 2 months now and everything reminds me of her. TV commercials, internet, Christmas carols... I think talking to her would solve all my problems or it would make them bigger. I'd like to try again and quit at the same time.


At least writing this down helps a little.

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Alright, it looks like you made a tiny mistake. She was being compassionate when she asked " Are you mad at me " that was your queue to say " Talking with you always brightens my day! " or something sweet like that. You gotta think on your feet bro.


Alright, here's how you can fix this. She had a right to be a tad annoyed with you, you didn't understand; and well, she's FEMALE they get emotional over the slightest thing. (sorry ladies, it's true!)


You have to treat her right now like she's the only girl you have eyes for. Walk up to her the next time you see her, and ask her if you can speak to her in private. Then say something nice about her, etc etc, plow through the small talk, then say your so sorry and I'll get on my knees if that's what it'll take to get your forgiveness. Then say something snazzy like, so I guess i'll see you at my place around 8:00!


If she stays in an apprehensive state of mind towards you, then think nothing of it, she's seeing how much you REALLY want her attention. Show her your charming side, bust out a few gifts here and there, REALLY butter her up. Then come out and say with your BIGGEST grin EVER, how's a movie friday night?!?


Good luck mate, Cheers~

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