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I met this woman this summer we both live in different cities thn the on we met in. We started a long distance relationship, we visited each other a few times and we got along great.In fact she was all over me every time we were together.


Things seemed to be drifting apart on the phone,so I drove 5 hours to visit her a few weeks ago , and she basically ignored me the whole weekend and we sort of broke up.


I haven't contacted her at all since that weekend. Now she keeps emailing me and asking all kinds of questions and telling me about what she is doing. Its like she has forgotten that she wanted nothing to do with me a month ago and now she is interested again.


So, what you think is going on with her? I have been very vague in my replies to her. i wouldn't mind seeing her again but I am not going to let her come back too easily. Any suggestions?

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I am a woman too but I would not do that to a guy...you drove 5 hrs means you really liked her but if she does ignore you again then it signals that you are cute enough to go ur own way. It is best if you just call her up or go to her and solve this situation. Ask her straight up what does she really wants and tell her what you want, in that way both of you can solve this. If u love her...tell her. She might think that u are still not into her thats why she kept emailing and asking questions.


I hope this helps..any further suggestions from anyone?

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  • 5 weeks later...

sounds like last time you saw her, she might have been more interested in someone else, and that didn't pan out, so she is calling you again...


long distance relationships are very hard, unless there is a real connection, and eventually one or the other has to move to the other person's city if you want a 'real' relationship...


since she has been blowing hot and cold, i'd ask her what's up, and if she doesn't have a satisfactory answer why she was mean to you last time you visited, then just move on and find someone local to date...

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Okay, honestly who does she think she is? She can see you or contact you whenever she wants? You drove 5 hours to see her and she practically ignored you that weekend. You should just ask her straight out what that was about. I wouldn't go back with her, it just sounds like she just wants some booty.

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Maybe you are not coming on strong enough. Women want to know where they stand in the relationship. Make your intentions clear and be a bit more physical. If you spent all weekend without trying to be physical, perhaps she felt that you were not attracted to her and that's why she started to ignore you.

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