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Is there still hope?

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Hi, this girl I like, we used to be best friends. I told her that I had feelings for her a couple of months back. But as the usual saying- she didn't want to ''ruin our friendship''. Later that day she called me and said that she was glad that I told her how I felt and she doesn't want this to end our friendship..believe it or not it brought us closer...we were still as good friends as we used to be but not together (everyone thought we were)..


Some months later she told me that she loved me but she was not sure if she was INLOVE with me. She also said that it was guaranteed that she'll fall inlove with me.


I was a coward and did nothing to try to get her (stupid)..we started to slip from each other but she still showed interest..again I did nothing!! later she started to become rude towards me so I started to play hard but it backfired me and now we're not even friends (she neglects me) and acts rude towars me..and this really hurts because I really like this girl..what should I do? is there a chance that she still likes me? should I talk to her why she's like the way she is towars me? what should I do?? I need y'all advice...


PS. we're in the same class, still she neglects me, we say hi (sometimes even casual talk with tension) when we see each other.......

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hey how are you doing? yea i think there is always a chance what you should do is when you get a chance ask her if you could talk to her alone. just let her know your serious . i mean if she still acts the same way then you should move on cuase i think it was brave enough for you to at least admit how you feel and what you did. she would be a jerk for not understanding. but thats how life is. its about taking chances. good luck

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i would tell her you would like to sit down for a heart to heart sometime. it sounds like you both have some tensions to clear up. if she's a good friend, she will talk it out with you. maybe then you can start building back up what you had and see if you can take it further. but you can't do that until you sit down with her and clear up the tension between the two of you.


good luck!

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Hi Nucca,


This is what I would do (and I'm giving you this advice from a girl's perspective):

write her a letter or an email and open your heart to her. Most importantly say that you are SORRY because you DIDNT MEAN to hurt her, and you are taking the blame for doing "nothing" when the time was right (as you said) and you understand because of your foolishness she must have felt neglected or unwanted. Tell her that you DO love her and miss her and ask if you could somehow work things out so at least tension goes away when you meet.


She's angry because she cares, if she didnt care she wouldnt react like this, trust me!

Good luck, and tell us what happened!

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this friday after school I was on my way home and I walked pass by her and she asked me if I was going home and I said yes (my friends including her always take the same bus home..and everyone ALWAYS wait for each other by the lockers, no exceptions hehe)..I went to my lockers to take my books and she started to stress me to hurry up cause people started to walk towards the bus..after 1 minute when I packed everything in my bag I noticed she had left...and I got pissed cause a couple weeks back I waited 1 hour for her and her friend after school and she couldn't wait 1 minute..anyways I walked a couple of meters towards the bus and she called me, but I didn't pick up cause I was pissed and I purposley missed the bus my friends took and took the one that came after...

1hour I waited for her and she couldn't wait 1 minute??? What the hell is this? I mean, if she liked me then she would've waited for me, right? and if she doesn't then why did she call?? -- probably to say that the bus was coming.....

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