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Homebody. I can't seem to get out of my house.

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I was hoping that the wonderful people that frequent enotalone.com can help me with what I've admitted is a problem that I need to fix. I seem to be addicted to being inside my home and I don't know how to motivate myself to go out and do things that people would normally do to have fun.


I don't seem to have that motivation to get out of my house and experience things. What I usually do is dally about and watch TV or game and I don't do things like go to parties, make friends, aquire interests or hobbies or visit family.


Why am I like this? What do I need to do to change? I feel like I have no initiative to make a move to better myself or experience life. What is it that I need to do to stop moping around my home all the time and feel excited about being an adult that wants to do things with his life?

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What part of town do you live in?


Where I live, there is a downtown district just a few blocks from my house. Every now and then I put on my coat and walk around the area at night, walking in and out of businesses, seeing what there is to see. I am the type of person who spends most of his time in the house, so it's a breath of fresh air when I can just walk freely and just experience a different side of life. I don't feel like there is anything inherently wrong about it, I am just not interested in spending a lot of my time outside of the house. I've never been to a single party, and I'm not into clubs. I like it like that!


You don't need to change unless you are doing it as a form of insecurity that hurts other people. But if you so choose to change, start small. Go for walks where there are other people. Just get out of the house and go into different stores, places. See new things. It'll open up your eyes. As time progresses, hop out of your comfort zone and just start talking to people where appropriate. Look for community events that may interest you through websites like craigslist. And even if you've never done a certain kind of event before, like a volunteer service, go ahead and do it. Trying new things and taking up new interests will change you, if even in a small way.


I grew up for many years feeling like my independence was anchored down by some unknown void. Then one day it just hit me; I am open to try new things, to experience things on my own. It was almost a pivotal point in my life. I'm 20 years old now, and have spent most of my days over the years inside my home with my family. But over these past several months, things are changing. I work part time, which forces me to get outside of the house and be around other people. My self-esteem and confidence has gotten a boost recently, partly due to focusing on my health and well-being. I talk to people all the time at school, something that I used to shy away from.


You just have to let things go and try new things. Who knows, if you go for a walk, you may end up doing something really fun. Just don't expect too much, if any. Over time you'll feel more comfortable with being outside of the house, even if a fair amount of your time is still spent inside.

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Do you know that more and more people feel like this about staying in their house? I've been reading a book lately that talks about this a bit.


Apparently, having become a car-oriented society, people aren't really "pedestrians" anymore. Urban landscapes aren't really designed with pedestrians in mind. Although there is a bit of a resurgence towards that happening...I live near a neighborhood that is really starting to thrive with unique shops and restaurants, and plenty of sidewalks. The other day, I walked my dog through this neighborhood, and saw that a bookstore was having a "99 cents" sale on some books outside. I bought a book...the one that I'm reading right now that talks about the lack of a pedestrian-friendly world, lol.


Anyway, what with the addictive Internet, people being isolated in their cars, being holed up in some cubicle in an "office park" for nine or more hours a day, and so on, we're not interacting with people in our community like we used to. So, we really have to take the initiative here and support the neighborhood shops, etc. that are starting to spring up again. It's a good way to get to know the folks who live around you, too.

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ha! you sound like me at times. I bought a new condo (that I designed the interiors) and I love being in here and hate leaving at times! But... I suppose there is an outside world out there.


Are you a member of any clubs or interests? That would be a good thing to do. Have a club you are part of that meets weekly or biweekly, and do that. or take some exercise or fitness classes that drag you out of bed.


it is true, staying indoors too much, that alone can make you depresed and want to keep staying in.


you can always just go to a coffee shop and read. it's good to be around people.


I force myself out of my condo at least once a day, even if it is just to go to the grocery store or to buy a notebook or something. getting outside is good for you.

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