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"You should give up"... should I?

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My boyfriend and I were forced to break up because of a situatiuon that happened that we couldn't control. However, I still told him I wanted to keep our relationship, but he said he didn't want to. I kept NC for about two weeks and then we accidentally crossed our paths on the street. I said "hi" and he looked very pleased and started to talk to me. This situation got my hopes high again. He told me he had a new person in his life and he wanted to try that relationship. Two weeks after that I found out they broke up. I contacted him by IM and he asked me to call him. I did it and we had a long conversation. The day after that, I told him I still had not given up on our relationship. To this he responded "You should give up, I don't want to try. I don't."


What should I do? I feel really bad and now I started NC again. I don't know what to think! Any suggestions or comments are welcomed please.


PS: added to the problems listed above, we are also in a long-distance relationship.

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I really think he is being quite clear about what he wants, and he has moved on and doesn't want another go at a relationship with you.


I'm very sorry about that, but you probably have no choice but to move on.


Spend your time and thoughts healing and doing things that are fun for you, and look to a future with someone local who is able and willing to be with you.

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I thank you for your posts. You just put into words what I knew was on my mind but didn't want to accept. I'm just going to give my best and forget about him.


The thing that kept me with my hope is that we are both going to attend universities in Boston the next year, and everytime we talk he asks about my admission and looks into my eyes and says "I hope you are accepted". I just see that as if he was holding some hope inside. But I guess we should move on and then, if the chance comes next year, we will hopefully be able to try again.


omg this feeling is so confusing ](*,)

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Hmmm this is WHY doing NC is SO imperative right after a breakup. You look for ANY clues that they might still want you back....the looks in their eyes, EVERY little thing they say or do.....it's easy to get caught up in that.

Seriously.........walk away NOW with dignity...you will be able to look back at this and say you handled it with class and grace.

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