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Bad rollercoaster ride today.

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My ex-live-in gf of 7 years left me in secret on Tuesday (I won't re-hash details here, they're in my first post). I intentionlly kept myself busy Thursday and yesterday by joining a local not-for-profit and working with them. Today, being a Sunday and close to the Thanksgiving holiday here in the US, I'm alone. (Friends hit the road today.) I'm trying to stay busy, but I cannot concentrate on anything I'm doing. Reading, listening to music, watching TV, yard work, playing with my 4-footed kids just isn't keeping my mind off what happened. I've had lots of crying boughts all day, which I know are a good release of tension. This rollercoaster ride is not pleasant. Has anyone found anything good that works to keep you distracted when you don't have anyone with whom you can get together personally? (I suspect that the answer will be no.) This next week isn't going to be fun. I wish I could hop in a time-machine and transport myself 12 months out into the future, when, hopefully, I'll have many more good days than bad. Thank god for this forum.

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Hey Stunned,


I have read your post and know what happened to you. I know the pain you're going through. Unfortunately, your friends are not available.


Please get out of the house for a while as it reminds you of your ex, especially when you are alone. Reading, listening to music, watching TV, etc., are still activities in the same environment.


Put the leash on your four-legged kids and take a walk, go to the park, meet people with four-footed kids. You'll be surprised how friendly people are. Crying release tension, walking for miles and miles does too. Keep posting and let me know how you are doing, ok?


We are all here for you.

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good idea to keep yourself busy like that. just keep doing the things that you enjoy, and you shouldn't have to worry too much about trying to distract yourself.


I wish I could hop in a time-machine and transport myself 12 months out into the future, when, hopefully, I'll have many more good days than bad.


the bad news is that it will take twelve months. the good news is that you'll be there before you know it.

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