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Hi everyone.

Ok, so this is a really sensitive subject, but I need you advice. (Im really freaking out).

So I just recovered from anorexia about 2 years ago. (I had it for 1 year in college).And now Im in graduate school, but recently I decided to quit. (the program just isnt for me). As you can see from my previous post, Im in a somewhat odd relationship with my boyfriend and we're living together in chicago.

Since I decided to leave graduate school, Im not doing well, and I cant seem to finish the semester (I only have 3 weeks left). Also, (I havent told anyone this yet) but I've been throwing up a lot after I've eaten. A LOT. It started in sept. since I was unhappy with school and is now so much worse since I cant seem to find the motivation to quit. I have a 25 pg. paper due tomorrow which I havent started and today when I got home I ate a lot of food and threw up so much it made me cry. I then slept for 4 hours (waking up to cry every now and then). Im miserable and obviously not well. Should I finish school? I dont want to fail in case I go back, but Im doing awful and being there is only affecting my mental health. What should I do? please help me.



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okay, deep breath, the MOST important thing right now is YOU, and your own health... you are under so much pressure, but just let some steam out of the valve, by breathing, and saying to yourself, "one baby step at a time" first thing today is to sit down for twenty minutes and just "try" to tackle the 25 page paper..if I can't do it, then that's fine, I will let go of it for a bit.... calm yourself, and remember that your "disease" and eating pattern are a reflection of your emotions and you are having a tough time dealing with your "fears", but your "fears" are NOT FACTS.. they are fears... and it's okay if you find it impossible to finish school right now, the more important thing is YOU...


What is your relationship with your boyfriend like right now?

Are you in touch with your family?

Do you have a close friend whom you trust and can confide in and get some help from?

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i know this might seem weak or uneffective(it did at first to me), u should go to a therapist, when my mom was younger she was anorexic to, and my grandma took her to get professional help, and she has been ok ever since...if u are doing that bad in school, do be perfectly honest i would stop going until i could get myself together again..and then go back to school...or do them both at the same time but it might be a lot to handle all at once...and make sure ur bf is being supportive and not just adding to the problem...i dont know if he is but u said u were in "an odd relationship with ur bf". well get better...take care

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isnt that called bulemic? i thought anorxia was when somebody just lost their appetite. anyways, im sorry to hear that your going through this. i can understand that school is very stressful. i would take the others advise and seek a therapist, and find ways to handle stress. even if you're not doing well in school its better to keep trying than to quit. be strong.

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Please be carefull. Don't let something like school work pull you down although i know how easy it is to get trapped by it. Remove any stress from your life that you can. Tell us about your relationship with your bf. Is it strong? Please talk to us. You beat anorexia you can beat this ok Keep on posting and venting and talking to people it'll help. Tell someone about what you are doing. Let people in ok. Allow them to help you no matter how much you hate it!

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